
Video: Of Hummus and Torture

What the U.S. government does (and what this has to do with hummus — you’ll have to watch the video, because we are not going to describe it):

The report almost no one has read: The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program.


Video: Today’s Authoritarian Moment

Nick Gillepsie, Matt Welch and George F. Will define the politics of our age, and what the shuffling of Republican and Democratic candidates for the presidency really means:


Video: Silencing Trump With Mob Noise

So this happened:

I love a good protest. But a bad protest is where the protestors mob the event and shout down speech. That isn’t good protest. It is anti-​free speech. It is bullying.

Things look like they are getting ugly this election year. The result could be chaos. But backlashes happen, and the protestors may have ensured that the man they say they oppose actually gets elected. We will see.

(The video was almost selected at random. Consider this a place filler. A historic marker.)


Video: Hurting Those We Aim To Aid

Fascinating topic … how well-​intended programs backfire.


Video: How Today’s Fascists Do It

Squelching the speech of those you disagree with, how it is done — a cultural artifact of the present age:


In this video, the valiant Ben Shapiro gives a scheduled talk, but is harassed by protestors and his talk sabotaged by those seeking to “no-​platform” him.


Video: Streetcar Named Undesired

The nation’s capital has a mass transit system plagued with problems of nearly every kind. And now comes the revival (very expensive) of the streetcar system. Reason TV provides a brief survey of the history of DC streetcars: