by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Complications

This week began with Mike Pompeo and a whale, and ended with securing your safety online:

This Week in Common Sense, March 14 – 18, 2022

Note: the first upload of the audio version of this weekend’s podcast was not quite loud enough. If you streamed it and gave up on it, the louder, “normalized” version is up on SoundCloud now.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch …them destroy.…

Dangerous times indeed, when we drop a mushroom cloud photo on you. Paul Jacob drops truth bombs in this episode of This Week in Common Sense:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What Elites Have Excluded

Charles Fort wrote a book called The Book of the Damned, and by “damned” he meant “what science has excluded.” In this weekend’s episode of This Week in Common Sense, Paul Jacob considers what the establishment elites won’t talk about. The YouTube upload is the shorter version of the video:

The full version of the video podcast is on Rumble:

This Week in Common Sense, full episode, March 6, 2022.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Citizens in Charge

Paul Jacob talks about the biggest political issue: real democracy, where politicians aren’t allowed to manhandle and tyrannize citizens. Watch this weekend’s episode of This Week in Common Sense on Rumble:

Or watch on YouTube:

Because Paul is on the road this weekend, the main feature of this weekend’s episode is his talk at the 2019 Global Forum for Direct Democracy in Taichung, Taiwan. Unless you were in Taiwan in 2019, you are unlikely to have heard it.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Have We Reached Peak Hubris Yet?

Paul remembers and honors P.J. O’Rourke — who shuffled off the mortal coil last week — and reconsiders the bigger stories, too, in this shorter-​than-​usual episode of This Week in Common Sense. Here it is on Rumble:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Rumble-​only Genocide Game Coverage

Paul Jacob covers (on Rumble alone) the games almost no one is watching: