free trade & free markets general freedom national politics & policies too much government video

Video: Milton Friedman on Drug Legalization

Nobel Laureate economist explaining why drug prohibition makes no sense:


Video: You’re not the boss of me

The first in a series, “Common Sense Principles”:

local leaders video

Video: No Adoring Cheerleaders

Tim Eyman, Washington State’s most creative and dedicated initiative activist, summarizes his approach to politics and governance:

“Consent of the governed” may indicate legitimacy, but “dissent” makes possible efficacy.

free trade & free markets video

Video: My Friend Sarah

The world’s a complex place, and it takes some thought to make sense of it. One of the more useful tools for understanding the social world is economics. And, once you begin thinking in economic terms, there are consequences, as this delightful video from a few years ago neatly shows:

I’m impressed how a simple story line and touch of whimsy helps get the ideas across.

free trade & free markets insider corruption too much government video

Saving “Capitalism”

Excellent testimony by Prof. Russ Roberts of George Mason University about the government bailout of the financial sector. Naming Bush, Obama and Congress, Prof. Roberts charges: “You’ve helped risk-​takers continue to expect that the rules that apply to the rest of us don’t apply to people with the right connections. You’ve saved the system, but it’s a system not worth saving. It’s not capitalism; it is crony capitalism.”

Let’s keep this common sense in mind.

too much government video

High Finance Q & A

This comedy routine from Australian television — sort of a take-​off on the famous Abbott & Costello sketch “Who’s on First?” — may be more spot-​on about the continuing financial crisis than it is ha-​ha funny. Brew a strong cup of coffee, sit down in a very stable chair and watch: