Search Results for: Eyman

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Video: No Adoring Cheerleaders

Relevance: 100%      Posted on: November 12, 2011

Tim Eyman, Washington State's most creative and dedicated initiative activist, summarizes his approach to politics and governance: "Consent of the governed" may indicate legitimacy, but "dissent" makes possible efficacy.

Persistence, Thy Name Is Eyman

Relevance: 91%      Posted on: January 19, 2011

We haven’t had enough Tim Eyman. I try to rotate the subjects of these Common Sense efforts, moving from freedom to democracy and back again, covering local and state issues as well as national and international ones. But certain topics make regular returns. Like Tim Eyman. In Washington State, he’s…

Bribing a Legislature

Relevance: 83%      Posted on: June 24, 2015

Just when big government boosters in the Evergreen State thought it was safe to raise taxes, Tim Eyman and the group Voters Want More Choices have returned to the streets with Initiative 1366. When his previous and similar effort, I-1325, fizzled last year, opponents were ecstatic, celebrating Eyman’s perceived obsolescence.…

Give B.S. a Chance

Relevance: 80%      Posted on: September 3, 2017

This weekend at Townhall, Paul fleshed out the most recent Voters’ Pamphlet mini-scandal, from Friday.  Click on over, then come back here. You know, for more voters’ pamphleteering. Tim Eyman’s Email: Help me get my B.S. in the voters pamphlet Everett Herald: Eyman’s ‘B.S.’ deemed too vulgar for voter’s pamphlet…

Pay the Boatman

Relevance: 77%      Posted on: January 4, 2011

Attack the outsider — the first resort of the unarmed arguer. My Townhall column praising Washington State anti-tax activist Tim Eyman raised the ire of Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat. He insinuates that it’s easy for me to like Eyman, for I never need to “catch the late boat after…

A Card-​Carrying Democrat

Relevance: 75%      Posted on: May 2, 2008

Every year Tim Eyman in Washington state comes up with some new initiative to limit taxes or make government more accountable. So of course politicians and media people are furious with him. For years he’s been a member of the Republican Party. But not long ago he joined his county’s…

The Seinfeld Referendum

Relevance: 73%      Posted on: November 15, 2018

There is an unmistakable connection between Washington State initiative guru Tim Eyman and New York City comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Mr. Seinfeld gave viewers what they wanted for nine seasons as the star of the self-named 1990s hit television sitcom, Seinfeld. It was slyly defined as “a show about nothing.” Meanwhile,…

Know Your BS

Relevance: 69%      Posted on: September 1, 2017

“Help me get my B.S. in the voters pamphlet,” read the subject-line of Tim Eyman’s email.  Eyman is a practitioner of the art of the voter initiative, foremost in his state, Washington, and one of the most effective nationwide.* This particular call to action concerns the voter pamphlet statements about…

Red Lights, Green Roads

Relevance: 67%      Posted on: November 11, 2011

Washington State activist Tim Eyman could celebrate election night. Several of his sponsored anti-red-light-camera initiatives won — in Bellingham and Longview and Monroe. But his statewide initiative seems to be going down. Eyman has become obsessed with transportation issues, and he’s receiving the usual push-back from insiders and editorialists. The…

Two-​Thirds to Raise Taxes

Relevance: 63%      Posted on: January 22, 2015

You can’t keep a good Eyman down. “Who says politicians don’t listen?” asked Tim Eyman in a recent email to his Washington State supporters. “OK, you got me: we normally do. ;)  But not today.” Pleased as punch, Eyman announced the resurrection of the two-thirds requirement for legislators to raise taxes.…