This week, on Stossel:
Category: video
CAUTION: A carefully concocted measure designed to fool the voters. Pass this on. It is important.
Video: Beyond Hypocrisy
Penn Jillette says that the President’s oh-so-cool chortling over his past drug use has an element of class warfare:
I think he is right. But it is worth noting three things:
1. President Obama does more than “condone” the federal drug war, he has actively upped it, carrying on George W. Bush’s breach of promise not to trump state’s medical marijuana laws.
2. This is not a new phenomenon. Both Clinton and Bush Jr. were guilty of the same offense, if not quite so egregiously.
3. It is possible to agree with Penn without echoing his rather vulgar speech.
Not all capitalisms are created equal:
I prefer the term “free market” to the word “capitalism” because it emphasizes a system that is “free” rather than one feature of it, capital. Capital is a critical aspect of every economic system. But freedom is something we can add to our current mess to bring not only more wealth, but a more feasible order. And sense of justice.
Kudos to Annette Meeks at the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota for highlighting crony capitalism.
Brian Doherty, author of a new book on Ron Paul, talks about Ron Paul’s transpartisan political movement:
A very concise and yet broad view of what the congressman from Texas has been up to, what he believes, and his significance in contemporary political debate.
This is stylish, provocative, and … worth thinking about: