initiative, referendum, and recall video

On the Road in South America, Part Three

Last Friday, at the 2012 Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy in Montevideo, Uruguay, Paul interviewed Daniela Bozhinova, a Bulgarian Green Party and direct democracy activist. Daniela spent the better part of a year studying initiative & referendum in the United States as a Fulbright scholar and you might be surprised by what she has to say.

Paul returns from his South American travels today.

ballot access initiative, referendum, and recall video

Video: On the Road in South America, Part Two

Taking a few moments away from the main events of the Global Conference on Direct Democracy, an interview:

More to come. 

initiative, referendum, and recall video

On the Road in South America, Part One

This week Paul Jacob is traveling down south — way down south. Here he reports from the Lima, Peru, airport, explaining what he’s up to:

If all goes according to plan, he’ll report a few more times while in South America, and after.

You can view this video in HD, here.


Video: One-​World Schoolhouse

Fascinating discussion of education on the Internet:

Compare and contrast with this recent audio podcast: EconTalk’s “Kling on Education and the Internet.”


Video: Nebraska’s Trojan Horse

What the people fight against in Nebraska, another Trojan Horse:


Video: The Futility of “Tax the Rich!” Mantra

The “tax the rich” mantra “wastes our time and diverts our attention” from real fixes for the fiscal solution. Here’s why: