by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What They Hide from Us

The video version of Paul’s weekend podcast is up on YouTube:

This Week in Common Sense, April 9 – 10, 2021.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Racist Anti-Racism!

This Week in Common Sense, April 2 – 4, 2021.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The World Is Falling Apart

By the way, in case it is not obvious at first blush, the whole “porn” thing is a joke. As should become painfully obvious if you watch the whole video:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Bread & Circuses!

The weekend podcast is up in vlog form at YouTube:

This Week in Common Sense, March 19, 2021.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Plague Year Progressives

This Week in Common Sense, March 13, 2021. (Also in audio-​only.)

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: If [sane people] Ran the Zoo!

This Week in Common Sense, March 6, 2021.