
Dixy Lee Ray

On September 3, 1914, Dixy Lee Ray was born. 

Her stint as governor of the State of Washington was a controversial one, as she economized in startling ways, and proved largely unsympathetic to environmentalist politics. Indeed, she later wrote Trashing the Planet, which took on trendy “solutions” to environmental problems, based in no small part on her own experience and perspective as a scientist. She was an early critic of the developing “global warming” pseudo-“consensus.”

Ray died on January 2, 1994.


Henry George

September 2 marks the 1839 birth of American economist and reformer Henry George. 

George is most famous for his 1879 treatise, Progress and Poverty, but made other contributions, including advocacy of the secret ballot and his able economic policy polemic Protection or Free Trade (1886).

George died on October 29, 1897.


Constitution Day

Slovakia celebrates a Constitution Day on September 1, for the Constitution passed by the Slovak National Council on September 1, 1992.

The Slovaks place their rights provision early in their document, like most American states, and not as amendments, as in the Constitution of the United States of America.


Education, Flight & Independence

On August 31, 1870, educator Maria Montessori [pictured] was born.

German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin led aviation progress with his patent for a navigable balloon, on this date in 1895.

August 31 serves as Independence Day for Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, and Trinidad and Tobago.


Lenin Shot

On August 30, 1918, Fanny Yefimovna Kaplan shot and seriously injured Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin. Though certainly justifiable on some primary level — evil killers with power probably deserve to be killed in turn — this assassination attempt prompted the mass arrests and executions known as the Red Terror.

August 30, 1999, saw East Timor’s referendum vote for independence from Indonesia succeed.


Locke & Shays

August 29 marks the 1632 birthday of British philosopher John Locke, author of Two Treatises of Government, and one of the strongest intellectual influences on America’s 18th century independence movement and subsequent constitutional thinking. Locke died on October 28, 1704.

On August 29, 1786, Shays’ Rebellion began. The rebellion was an armed uprising of Massachusetts farmers reacting very negatively against the high debt and tax burdens enacted to pay off the Revolutionary War. This rebellion scared American leaders into revising the Articles of Confederation, a process that led not to a mere handful of changes but to the adoption of a whole new Constitution.