free trade & free markets tax policy

An Embarrassment of Riches

Have you heard the terrible, awful news?

Over roughly the last three decades, specifically from 1979 to 2007, Americans across all segments of the economy — from the poorest to the richest — have seen their incomes rise.

It just doesn’t get any worse, eh?

If you haven’t committed hara-​kiri, here are the cold, hard facts from the Congressional Budget Office report:

  • The poorest fifth of the population, on average, saw their inflation-​adjusted incomes increase 18 percent.
  • The 60 percent of Americans in the middle earned nearly 40 percent more, after taxes.
  • Those of us from the 80th percentile to the 99th had income gains of 65 percent.
  • Incomes for the top one percent of earners were up a whopping 275 percent.

One might think that universally higher incomes are a good thing, but that depends on how you look at it.

“If you think of America’s total income as one giant pie,” an ABC World News Tonight report explained, “the richest one percent have seen the size of their piece double over the last 30 years. And everyone else has seen their piece get smaller.”

Well, I’m really hoping that we won’t start thinking of all our incomes as “one giant pie.”

What about this 99 percent versus 1 percent warfare?

That’s media slant. Most Americans don’t begrudge someone good fortune, and affirmatively admire those who grow wealthy in return for smarts and hard work.

But they do oppose bailouts.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

tax policy

Fair Share Laid Bare

President Barack Obama says “it’s only right that we ask everyone to pay their fair share in taxes.”

Rich folks must be wondering when their refund checks will start arriving in their mailboxes.

The current income tax is progressive, requiring those making more to pay a higher rate. Thus, those earning a million dollars pay, on average, 29 percent of their income to Uncle Sam, while those taking home $50,000 to $75,000 a year pay an average of 15 percent. This progressivity can be seen in wide angle, too: Figuring credits and exemptions, 47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax at all. Meanwhile, the top ten percent in income pay 73 percent of all income taxes collected.

And Obama’s idea of taxing “the rich” would only make it more unfair.

But, wait, what about billionaire Warren Buffett? Doesn’t he pay a lower percentage of his income in taxes than does his secretary?

Most of Buffett’s income comes off his investments, not in salary. That’s capital gains, taxed at 15 percent. Obama decries it, but doesn’t propose any specific increase in capital gains taxes. Why? He doesn’t want the stock market to crater. As he put it two years ago, “The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession.”

So, when President Obama says the rich should pay their fare share, what does he mean? Simple: “If you’re not rich, vote for me.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

ideological culture tax policy

A Social Contract You Can’t Refuse

Massachusetts U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren really worked up “progressives” with a rant about “fair taxation.”

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody.”

As A. Barton Hinkle points out, no one suggests otherwise. But the real meat of her argument is worth studying … for a peculiar pathology in logic:

You built a factory out there? … You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-​forces and fire-​forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did.

Upon this rests her case for ramped-​up progressive tax rates.

Apparently, according to Ms. Warren, successful businessfolk are takers only. But all along the way, businesses pay for the services they hire. Indeed, they pay for roads, too. Truckers, for instance, pay special weight-​rate taxes and licenses for carrying heavy loads across roadways. 

Her “argument” no more justifies government taxing truckers or factories more than a similar argument, mutatis mutandis, would allow the kid who mows your lawn to reach into your wallet when you aren’t looking.

The social contract doesn’t originate the way Warren specifies. Her logic establishes only that she’s not thinking clearly about obligations and lacks an appreciation for making a business succeed.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

tax policy too much government

Excise Excitement Exorcizes E‑Biz

Retail sales taxation became vogue among the states of the union during the Great Depression. When other revenue sources dried up, many states decided to nab potential taxpayers at each transaction.

We’re in a depression again, and numerous legislatures are looking to expand their retail sales tax base by targeting out-​of-​state Internet purchases.

California has made the biggest stink about this, and its fight with Amazon​.com has been in the headlines for some time. Though the issue has been put “on hold” for a year, the Assembly’s rapacity has produced at least one effect. It has driven many online businesses out of the state, and severely curtailed the online sales of many California brick-​and-​mortar concerns.

Take Shopobot, a new online business. One of this San Francisco company’s biggest revenue streams was Amazon. And Amazon dropped it like a hot rock.

So what did Shopobot do? It fled California for the cooler Seattle, Washington.

Why skip Oregon — which lacks a retail sales tax? My guess is that Oregon’s political environment struck the Shopobot folks as nearly as crazy as California’s, so heading further north made more sense, to sit beside Amazon itself, and across Lake Union from Adobe’s compound, er, “campus.”

The online sales tax question is widely perceived as a problem. The only solution, I guess, is to let Congress do its constitutional duty and “regulate interstate commerce.”

Amazon sure wants that.

But why am I not optimistic about a good solution?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

free trade & free markets ideological culture tax policy

Greed and Bigotry on the Campaign Trail

On the video page featuring Mitt Romney’s notorious “corporations are people” comment — the one I clicked to, anyway — every comment was negative, with jokes like “Did you hear that S&P downgraded the Tea Party credit grade to KK+?” and economically illiterate whoppers like “Corporations do not help anyone except those who own them or do what they say.” It’s saddening to see ignorance and bigotry so self-​righteously maintained by everyday Americans.

Yes, bigotry.

For Romney was right: Corporations are made of people. Those who roil with hatred for corporations, singling them out for more regulation or greater taxation, are attacking actual living, breathing people, who, as Milton Friedman pointed out, are made up of three classes of just plain folks: the owners, the shareholders, who are people; the corporation’s hired workers and managers, who are people; and served customers, that is, people who have chosen, sans duress, to buy stuff from the corporations. 

Economist Steven Horwitz, writing in the Buffalo News, cited one study that estimated that “45 percent to 75 percent of the burden of a corporate tax increase is borne by workers,” and noted that, if profits fall, fewer dividends would go to stockholders.

And “stockholders” are often nothing other than workers’ retirement funds. 

Yeah, soak the older people. That should make corporation-​haters feel good.

Setting aside “some other people” to hate is exactly what anti-​corporatists are doing. It’s bigotry. And it’s ugly … and de-humanizing.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

free trade & free markets tax policy

An Attack on Private Pensions

We all know that America’s socialized pension system is, barring major reforms, doomed to undergo major default. But Americans should be nervous about their private pension funds and accounts, too. 

Over at PensionTsunami​.com, the folks at California Public Policy Center have their ears to the ground, listening for rumblings of the next market collapses, a huge bubble bursting in multiple forms of pension systems. A link from that site led me to a Bloomberg article, about Ireland’s bizarro response to that country’s downturn.

And the ominous portent it presents.

You see, Ireland’s politicians are so convinced that they have to “do something,” something big, to jumpstart the economy out of its current depression, that they’ve decided to levy a tax against pensions — a special tax designed to raise 470 million euros a year for four years, to pay for a massive new jobs program.

Forget that government jobs programs rarely do much good. Forget that it’s not government investment which accounts for market progress, but private investment, and that people will invest when they feel secure enough about the future to do so.

Forget that robbing people of their savings for the future tends to make investors less secure, less likely to invest — and thus put the economy in a bigger, longer-​run fix.

Remember, instead, that to a politician nothing is sacred, nothing is out of bounds for a tax or control. 

And that this kind of dangerous public thievery could happen here.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.