general freedom media and media people U.S. Constitution

We’ll Keep It


An answer is warranted. 

When a former president of these United States asks a question of such magnitude, as Donald J. Trump did last week on Truth Social, how can we not respond?

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party,” Mr. Trump inquired, “do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?”

Trump is, presumably, referring to Elon Musk’s recent release of information about FBI communications with Twitter during the 2020 campaign, with the Feds suggesting that stories about the Hunter Biden laptop were likely Russian disinformation — even though the FBI knew at the time that that it was Hunter’s laptop. For the FBI to work to discourage media platforms from providing such information to the public is deceptive and wrong. It should be investigated and, depending on the evidence, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 

Such collusion is even more destructive of our democratic system when done with partisan political motives. Which may now be SOP at the Bureau. 

So, let’s answer Mr. Trump’s questions. “No,” per declaring him the winner and sending President Biden packing. And a no-​go on a new election. Of course, there is one in 2024, and Trump is a declared candidate.

Yes, the news media is largely dishonest, drunk with their power and deluded into thinking they should keep information from us if it might make us vote contrary to their desires. Moreover, the Deep State is actively colluding with them (and vice-​versa) to warp public opinion. 

Trump argues that this new information “allows for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” He’s dangerously mistaken.

Who would “terminate” these laws and constitutional provisions? His dear friends in Congress, The White House, the FBI and DOJ? Unelected judges — who’ve already ruled against his campaign? A mob, pray tell? 

No, thanks. That Constitution? We’ll keep it. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob. 

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20 replies on “We’ll Keep It”

I read (past tense) and read (present tense) Trump’s comment as have you, but friends have given a different reading. 

Specifically, they take Trump to have said that, whatever ought to be, those who acted as did the deep state, mainstream media, and DNC have completely pushed aside the Constitution, and if their actions are allowed to stand then it is without effect. Simply, his claim may not be prescriptive but descriptive. 

I didn’t vote for Trump at any time in the past, and will not vote for him in the future. But I think that we should be aware both that we may be misunderstanding him here and certainly that Trump supporters may not see themselves as supporting a person who has advocated terminating the Constitution.

I think Trump supporters have read his statement in the most favorable light. I don’t fault them so much for that, as they have been witness to the 24/​7 stretching of Trump’s every statement by the media, including things like ignoring that he condemned neo-​Nazis at the time of Charlottesville and still the media largely ignored his words and continue to say to this day that he didn’t say what I watched him say live and in color on their network. 

I thank God that Trump stood up to China and for Taiwan, which I think may have saved the world from WWIII. We shall see. And he did not get us into a new war — something his predecessors going back 20+ years cannot say. (Even Mr. Obama, the so-​called “peace candidate.”)

I still probably like Trump better than I like the NYT, the Dems, etc. etc. But I don’t like any of them. 

And Trump’s post-​election behavior — BEFORE Jan. 6th — was simply unacceptable. Washington stepping down after 2 terms has been hugely consequential, I think. 

This constant goading of the media with this particular Tweet, I’m tired of it. If he meant something different, he should have corrected it a lot faster. I suspect he wanted this firestorm. And, because I like the Constitution a whole lot better than him or any of these other pols or parties or groups previously mentioned, and I take him at his actual words, let’s throw down!!!

I do not want Trump to be the GOP nominee.

“Laws antithetical to the Constitution are null and void.” Thurgood Marshall in Marbury vs Madison. But if an election is stolen through unconstitutional means, then support of the results is as unconstitutional as supporting unconstitutional laws. Trump may speak sloppily but his intent is reasonable. Using the Constitution to justify unconstitutional results, or manipulating a protest as an insurrection to shut down investigations thereof, the Constitution is already lost. (that examination of election results is actually required by the Constitution and the basis of a pending lawsuit the places much of Congress in jeopardy of being found guilty of violating their oath of office)

The election was two years ago. Where is the evidence? I recognize that rules were broken and have spent these two years trying to repair those rules and make certain they are followed (with varying success). But I do not believe there is actual specific evidence that would cause a court to throw out the election. 

Especially in light of the capitol riot on Jan. 6th, I need Mr. Trump to be crystal clear with his words.

60+ suits all but one inconsequential, we’re dismissed by the courts due to lack of EVIDENCE!

Keep up your stupid rantings. Biden had more than 7 million votes than Trump.


Pam, the suits were typically dismissed either because the plaintiffs were said to lack standing to sue, or had failed to bring suit in a timely manner.

The latter basis was legal sound, and speaks to the idiocy of the Trump campaign and of the Republican Party more generally, trying to close a barn door after the animals had fled. But in no other way did it say that the suit was without merit, that the barn door should not have been opened.

And not only did the former basis likewise not address the underlying issue, but it effectively claimed that the plaintiffs were not harmed even if indeed the election were stolen. The courts in those cases were derelict and cowardly. 

The proper response to “You cheated!” isn’t “It doesn’t matter! We won!”

Pam, how many times do you need to be told that I didn’t vote for Trump before it sinks-​in that I didn’t vote for Trump? Can you truly not grasp that some of us want an honest election? Are you so corrupt that you don’t care, just so long as your side wins?

If republikooks want to dispute the election, present verifiable evidence to a court of law. Their lawyers won’t make false statements under oath because they know the information is false and lying under oath will land then in prison. Few have ever had lawyers so inept. Good lawyers know to stay away from anything Trump.

Trump lost!!!

Pam, lawyers tried to contest the election based upon the evidence, but were told either that they had brought suit too late or that they had no standing, so the evidence was not heard. I already explained why the suits were dismissed, so you should stop pretending that it’s a matter of lacking evidence.

Appears another Trump-​selected idiot is a LOSER. The uneducated idiot Herschel Walker is one of the most incompetent people to ever run for senate.

Thanks to Trump the Democrats have a majority in the Senate. 

Couldn’t have done it without Trump’s help!!!

This was a mid-​term election where the republikooks should have swept both the senate and the house. Thanks to Trump the candidates were so BAD that the looks lost the senate and only narrowly won the house.

Anything Trump touches turns to shite!

She can’t hear you. Will be entertaining on Jan 6 (prophetic date?) when the Supremes have agreed to hear a suit on the issue of whether (the primarily Democrat) Congress’s failure to investigate and blatant ignoring a question of fraud constituted sufficient violation of the oath of office under the Constitution to be classed as gross dereliction and sufficient to remove those who were in control from office. The Court is going to hear it, but the Court has lately given the impression of choosing to not putting itself in jeopardy rather than give accurate Constitutional interpretations.

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