national politics & policies political challengers

Biden’s Big Lie


“In war,” Aeschylus wrote in the fifth century BC, “truth is the first casualty.”

So, too, these days, in political campaigns. 

Last week, in accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, Joe Biden promised to “draw on the best of us” and “be an ally of the light.” But then the 47-​year Washington veteran pivoted, waving the bloody shirt from Charlottesville by claiming that President Donald Trump had declared “neo-​Nazis and Klansmen and white supremacists” to be “very fine people,” and therefore “we were in a battle for the soul of this nation.”

Did Trump dub some neo-​Nazis “very fine people”?

“And you had some very bad people in that group,” the president explained to a reporter. “But you also had people that were very fine people — on both sides. You had people in that group who were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statute and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

Noting that “George Washington was a slave-​owner,” Mr. Trump asked, “Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? … 

“It’s fine, you’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people,” he continued. “And I’m not talking about the neo-​Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”


Outraged by the Democratic contender’s false contention, cartoonist and podcaster Scott Adams called Biden a “Brain-​Dead Race Hoaxer” … and worse.

But Biden is hardly alone. The Democrats and most of the media join in ignoring Trump’s explicit statements, pushing their myopically malevolent misinterpretation. 

Should this smear defeat Trump in November, an era of political truth-​telling will not be ushered in.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

* Months ago, the Annenberg Center’s FactCheck​.org determined that Mr. Biden, in asserting that President Trump had failed to condemn neo-​Nazis, had made false claims against the president — ignoring numerous recordings in living color of the president making those exact censures.

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3 replies on “Biden’s Big Lie”


Sure — if you ignore the fact that he called the Nazis “fine people” one day, and didn’t change his story until he was called on it the next day.

The people trying to put over the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax pretend that the two opposing statements took place in-​line, that the second was an immediate and unprompted clarification of the first. In fact, the second was a later attempt to weasel out of the implications of the first.

It’s disappointing to find Paul either among the Charlottesville Hoax Hoaxers or fooled by them.

A link is provided to the video which shows precisely what Trump said with all necessary context before and after his “very fine people” comment. That is the comment that Biden as well as other Democrats and the media have pulled out in an attempt to show Trump’s supposed sympathy for neo-Nazis.

It just doesn’t hold up.

Please show me my error, but the day before this video I do not find Trump saying anything about “very fine people.” Instead, he condemned “bigotry” and “violence on many sides” and was attacked for that “many sides” comment. Later in the day, here is what NPR reports:

In response to the criticism, Trump delivered a statement at the White House that explicitly called out racist groups.

“Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-​Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,” Trump said.‑year-after-charlottesville-not-much-has-changed-for-trump

Also calling out Antifa does not negate calling out neo-​Nazis and white supremacists. Does it? 

I do not know what is in Mr. Trump’s heart per race and I don’t call people racists on speculation. But I do know from Mr. Biden’s use of this Charlottesville smear to buttress his racism charge is dirty politics. 

And so I called it out. 

If I’m wrong, please show me where and how.

Consider the source. Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC.
I automatically discount anything and everything they say. If they told me it was raining I would have to check my window before I gave them any credibility. They have earned my distrust. As for Biden.… the media insist on calling him ‘moderate’. As I recall, in 2008 there were ratings by the National Journal on his Senate voting record. From Left to Right, Obama was first and Biden was third. That hardly qualifies him as a ‘moderate’. Another site has rated Kamala Harris and she is among the top five leftist votes in the Senate. No balance in this ticket. Just two coastal elites who have made their living off taxpayers.

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