Common Sense

Fight Terrorism


The FBI is supposed to protect us from terrorists. Or so I thought. They aren’t supposed to have terrorists on the payroll, are they? And they aren’t supposed to let those guys kill innocent people. They aren’t supposed to cover it up when they do kill innocent people, are they? Nor are they supposed to knowingly allow an innocent person to mistakenly take the rap for a murder, serving for decades in prison. But that is what our FBI did.

The Washington Post reports: “A House committee concluded yesterday that the FBI shielded from prosecution known killers and other criminals whom it used as informants to investigate organized crime in New England.” And no one is being held accountable. In a statement, the FBI recognized “misconduct by a few FBI employees,” but went on to “recognize the importance of human source information …” In other words: “Aw shucks, we’re real sorry and all that Americans were murdered, but what can you expect? We have to have our intelligence sources; to make an omelet you have to break some eggs.”

We’re talking about double-​digit homicides by paid informants to the FBI. With an innocent man serving 30 years in prison for one of the crimes. And FBI officials not only knew about it, but tried to cover it up.

There is no substitute for citizen control of government. Without more meaningful checks on raw and often secret political power, that power may not only fail to protect us from terrorists, that power can become terrorism.

This is Common Sense.  I’m Paul Jacob.

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