Common Sense

Tears in Memphis


I wish I coulda been there.

That was my reaction to reading about a recent Memphis, Tennessee, Charter Commission meeting. You see, term limits was the big issue.

There had been a lot of support in Memphis for limiting the terms of city politicians. And so the Charter Commission voted five-​to-​two to recommend the limits, and set it to a vote of the citizenry.

But one opponent broke down in tears. “Weeping and then sobbing,” according to the news report. This was after the commissioner in question charged that the issue of term limits was about nothing other than the current mayor, Willie Hernton. Oh, and “black leadership.” She charged that the whole issue was about race. And then wept more.

Another commissioner dropped his head to the table and said, in support the term limit vote, “I’ve been black longer than you because I’m older than you are.” And he then went on to say that the issue was irrelevant. They had a job to do, and letting citizens decide matters on term limits was part of their job.

What a meeting.

But surely it’s worth noting that term limits aren’t a tool for or against any particular race or constituency. They tend to open up seats for everyone. They are, in Biblical phrasing, “no respecter of persons,” merely limiting the time spent in office by any one politician.

It’s sad to hear of someone weeping over term limits. I’d prefer, well, smiles all around.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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