crime and punishment government transparency scandal

So Horrible?

Paul Jacob on what the government won’t tell us.

Talking to Joe Rogan about the JFK assassination,Tucker Carlson argued that Trump’s and Biden’s withholding of information runs counter to American law. “There’s clearly something worth protecting,” he says, and he doesn’t mean the people involved — they’re all dead.

What’s being protected are, presumably, institutions.

According to Judge Andrew Napolitano, Trump told him that “if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn’t have released it either.” According to Roger Stone, Trump explained that what he saw was “so horrible you wouldn’t believe it” … and thus Trump withheld 20 percent of the documents that had been scheduled to be released.

So horrible? Many of us can imagine quite a lot of horror coming from the dark corridors of the federal Leviathan.

But there’s another generational secret that Trump and Biden share, and Tucker mentioned it too: UFOs.

Indeed, he and Rogan started out the podcast in a freewheeling discussion of what our government now calls “the UAP issue,” for “unidentified anomalous phenomena.” But Tucker focused on a “dark” and “spiritual” element to the story, giving little evidence except for the scientist’s name who had contacted him about the study of UFO injuries of military personnel.

Tucker also mentioned strangely behaving objects that traverse the oceans as if water were no matter. A few days earlier, a Yahoo News “Futurism” article explained that “Tim Gallaudet, an oceanographer and former Naval rear admiral who served as the author of a March white paper about so-​called ‘unidentified submerged objects’ or USOs, told Fox News this week that he considers it both ‘scientifically valid’ and critical to national security to study these phenomena.”

A lot of effort has been made in the recent disclosure talk to frame UAPs as potential threats. But what kind of threat? A “spiritual” one — “so horrible”? 

All we really know is that regarding assassinations and mysterious airborne and oceanic objects, the government would prefer to keep us guessing.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “So Horrible?”

Certainly information on the assassination of JFK has been concealed in a conspiracy to protect state institutions, and the state must have conspired to misrepresent UAPs in the past or be now conspiring to misrepresents its past actions, or both. 

But what, really, are we to make of Trump’s behavior here? He has joined the present conspiracies, or he is engaged in his own psyop, or he was gulled on these matters as he was about SARS-​CoV‑2.

Given the enmity towards Trump displayed by a significant share of the leadership of the DHS — who embraced the Russiagate Narrative and insisted that the revelations on the laptop computer of Hunter Biden were Russian fabrications, all to cripple Trump’s Presidency and to thwart his pursuit of reëlection — he doesn’t seem to have opportunity or an interest in conspiring with them.

In sum, the people who elect the government should be deprived of information regarding its actions and performance.

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