international affairs national politics & policies

Not Just a Border-​Line Case

Should the U.S. Government let soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) enter these United States through the southern border so that they’re in place if and when the Chinese government directs them to undertake sabotage against the United States (perhaps during a Chinese invasion of Taiwan)?

We are not talking about borderline cases of one or two Chinese soldiers a year. The U.S. Border Patrol now acknowledges 347 encounters with Chinese nationals in 2021; 1,987 in 2022; and a whopping 12,533 encounters so far this year!

In a piece for Gatestone Institute, Gordon Chang reports that although some Chinese migrants entering through the southern border are simply “seeking a better life for themselves and their children,” many “are coming to commit acts of sabotage.” These are PLA soldiers.

They can first go to a country like Ecuador, which permits entry without a visa. They can then make their way through jungle before catching a bus to the border. They are often then simply released into the U.S.

Representative Mark Greenn (R‑Tenn.) says that he was told by a Border Patrol sector chief that some of the people coming across have “known ties to the PLA.”

Chang quotes war correspondent Michael Yon: “At the Darien Gap, I have seen countless packs of Chinese males of military age, unattached to family groups, and pretending not to understand English. They were all headed to the American border.”

This is consistent with the pattern of Chinese aggression.

So maybe we — and maybe the government whose job is to protect us — should pay attention to this.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Not Just a Border-​Line Case”

We should understand that these agents are probably sleepers, who are primed to act upon a signal, but at present simply insinuating themselves into American society. 

What these agents will do will be determined by how hot the war, by how much cover the US Administration can be expected to provide to repel charges of dereliction, and of course by how well these agents are able to position themselves for effect. 

If the wider population within America becomes generally more negative about the Asians among us, then Chinese state will have scored a substantial victory.

Many Americans are concerned about everyone that is coming into Mexico and making the hike to the US border. The US has immigration laws that are not being enforced. Mexico lets the drug cartels operate freely and it is not a good neighbor. No country can survive without secure borders.

Wow — out of a population of 1.4 billion, a whopping one ten thousandth of one percent are escaping from a vicious, brutal dictatorship and trying to make it into the US? The horror! THE HORROR!

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