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“I applaud the students, staff and faculty who rallied quickly to host alternative inclusive events, protest peacefully and provide one another with support at a difficult moment,” declared San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney on Monday.

The “difficult moment” she refers to? A talk on campus by All-​American swimmer Riley Gaines, sponsored by Turning Point USA. Gaines was speaking out against “transgender women” (biological men) competing in women’s sports.

President Mahoney did finally acknowledge that the event was followed by “a disturbance,” which “unfortunately” “delayed the speaker’s departure.”

In fact, Gaines wasn’t able to leave for hours, until nearly midnight … when, as CNN reported, “the San Francisco Police Department sent officers to disperse the crowd.” Gaines says she was “physically assaulted,” “struck twice,” with video confirming a very threatening situation.

“We are reviewing the incident,” Mahoney assured, “and, as always, will learn from the experience.”

No arrests have been made. They should be. That’s the teachable moment we need. 

SFSU’s president did acknowledge that what occurred last week was “deeply traumatic.” But she meant the event itself, which she claimed “advocated for the exclusion of trans people in athletics.” 

That isn’t true. Gaines and many (if not most) folks involved in the controversy simply want collegiate sports separated by biological sex and not by gender identity.

Let’s realize that these Antifa-​esque “trans activists,” the ones who threaten to beat up women, do not speak for all transgendered people — certainly not those I know and love. Their goal is clearly not harmony but the very opposite. 

The solution is simple: Love for trans folks, common sense public policies, and jail for the thug attackers of free speech.

I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Trans-​Violent”

Respect and acceptance and love are two-​way streets. With these activists, if you don’t agree with them then you are their enemy. No dialogue is possible. They will shout you down.
No one whose DNA contains the Y chromosome should participate in women’s sports. It’s simple biology. It’s why we have Title IX.
No biological woman who is transitioning to male should participate in women’s sports if she is taking testosterone or other male hormones. They change body chemistry in a way that makes them performance-​enhancing drugs and those who take them should be barred from competition.

The state of California will indefinitely subsidize wokeness. Other states will vary, depending upon how cowed their non-​Democratic legislators are by the mainstream of the media, and upon how responsive their Democratic legislators are to alienated voters as opposed being responsive to others. 

But our present system of higher education has been captured by a coalition that would rather see colleges and universities implode than be freed from the administrative-“progressive” complex. Desirable reform of our mainstream colleges and universities is implausible. 

Displacement may be possible; but, in a grand termite conspiracy, the wokesters in HR departments in almost every firm will fight against hiring applicants with credentials from institutions uncontrolled by the woke.

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