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Punching Fauci?

“This is just one of those things where things get taken out of context,” congressional candidate Hung Cao told WJLA in Arlington, Virginia, responding to his opponents TV ads, which charge that Cao said he “wants to punch Dr. Fauci in the face.”

Mr. Cao, a colorful fellow, came to America from war-​torn Vietnam when he was just four. He graduated from the Naval Academy and served for 25 years — a combat veteran of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia.

“[T]he real quote was ‘if there’s two people I could punch in the face and get away with it, it would be Mark Zuckerberg and Fauci,’” explained Cao. “I’m not advocating violence. All I’m saying is we are so frustrated with people — unelected officials — making decisions for this country like Mark Zuckerberg being able to ban people based on speech and Dr. Fauci shutting down businesses.” 

Cao clarified that he is “all about law and order.” 

His opponents “are also tying Cao to January 6th in television ads,” notes WJLA.

“You know where I was on January 6?” Cao asks. “I just landed from my last combat deployment in Afghanistan and my kids voted unanimously to open presents after I returned. So, that morning … we were actually opening Christmas presents,” he said. “I was trying to keep my eyes open with toothpicks, because I was so tired from the jetlag. And … to superimpose my face onto January 6, and then, not only that, Confederate flags as if I’m some sort of white supremacist.”

His word for that: insulting.

While attacked as an extremist, however, Cao has not shied away from defending parents — including homeschoolers, like he and wife — from the real extremists running our schools, and opposing President Biden’s COVID vaccine mandates that are kicking “heroes” out of the military “like trash.”

He even has a commercial where, as a former kick-​boxing champion, he invited voters to join him in kicking Congress! 

Sadly, as much as I want to, I cannot vote for Cao. 

I’m in an adjacent district.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Note: Asked to express the importance of “previous experience in government or politics,” Cao explained to Ballotpedia: “Career politicians are a cancer. Being a county supervisor or city mayor makes them no more qualified than a truck driver.”

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5 replies on “Punching Fauci?”

Would vote for him in a heartbeat if I was in the district.
We have our own democrat to get rid of in our district.

The first news story on Mr Cao that Google suggested that I read was a hostile opinion piece in a student newspaper. 

And, unsurprisingly, the piece tried to paint Mr Cao as exploitiing racist sentiment; or maybe it was lack of racist sentiment, in-​so-​far as seeking a color-​blind social order is now condemned by the left as racist.

Making race everything about everything is anti-​racist. It’s a big crock.

As for the media, which was mostly obviously anti-​Cao (for his abortion stance or being a Republican). Now, when someone is attacked in a 30-​second spot or a TV news segment or a newspaper or online article, I listen for what specifically that person said or did. Not the label the media (or political opponent) is applying, but the specific action. So often, it is never stated. The full quote is never read or placed on the screen for inspection. The specific support or opposition never specified. 

I’m informed how I should feel about he or she being a whatever, and what other experts and opponents say about he or she person/​candidate. But never given the full scoop. 

I read as much as I can (stand) on politics but it wasn’t until I searched and looked at a number of articles that I was able to read his quoted response and then this TV station (article linked in the story above) also went back to Rep. Wexton to get her side. Nicely done. Real journalism with real immediate application for voters. 

In response to 30-​second attack ads, quoted rebuttal from the candidates being attacked. Imagine that. Could it catch on?

“I’m informed how I should feel about he or she being a whatever, and what other experts and opponents say about he or she person/​candidate. But never given the full scoop.”
The lack of critical thinking or even basic curiosity among the target audience is tragic. I’m convinced that there is a significant number of Democrat voters and soon to be voters who are permanently indoctrinated into hate for our Republic without knowing its providential brilliance. Even though I probably won’t be around to see how this ultimately plays out I can’t help but wonder how we would shepherd the younger generation toward healing even if the bottom fell out of the corrupted and deviant media who incite and fan the flames of chaos.
I pray we haven’t slept too long.
I expect vitriol and violence in the middle of this election’s return to a functional Congress and citizen sovereignty in more states. I’m old, lol. Forgive me.

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