crime and punishment too much government

Government Loves Anarchists?


Some of my best friends are anarchists. But theirs is a curious anarchism, for unlike the caricatures of anarchists of old, who — theorizing that since, in their minds, all states are illegitimate, they had free rein to shoot, bomb and monkey wrench the State and its supporters — my anarchist friends are friendly and non-violent. 

They know they cannot achieve the kind of peaceful, stateless-​but-​lawful society they want with destruction.

Today’s best-​known anarchists, however, aren’t like my friends. They are “Antifa,” and believe in initiating force. Together with Black Lives Matter, these “anarchists” upped the level of chaos to fever pitch during the months leading up to last November’s presidential election.

And they haven’t exactly stopped.

What do they hope to accomplish?

Well, don’t ask the FBI. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn’t keep track of them. 

Spencer Brown, writing at Townhall, explains: “In a congressional hearing last week titled ‘Confronting Violent White Supremacy (Part VI): Examining the Biden Administration’s Counterterrorism Strategy,’ FBI Assistant Director of Counterterrorism Timothy Langan said that the Bureau doesn’t consider Antifa to be an ‘organization,’ and as such does not have specific information on the group’s activities.”

This is how the FBI and the left in general can say that the biggest domestic terrorist threat is “right-​wing extremism.” 

The idea is, apparently, if you don’t look at the data — even define it out of existence — you cannot report on it!

Why would the FBI join Democrats in averting their eyes from anarchist (as well as Marxist and racist) violence?

Perhaps the de facto policy at play here is anarcho-​tyranny, where the government lets violent crime run rampant. Why? So government actors can leverage chaos and public anxiety to increase government size and scope.

Do politicians and functionaries use Antifa “anarchists” to increase their power?

Never let a crisis go to waste.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “Government Loves Anarchists?”

I am reminded of the denials by J. Edgar Hoover of the existence of the Mafia. 

Antifa and its useful idiots deny that it is an organization and that it has leaders, but Mark Bray, who is amongst the people telling us these things also tells us that he donates to Antifa, and his ability to speak on behalf of Antifa belies the claim that it has no leaders. 

One might more reasonably have stopped counting the Ku Klux Klan when it fragmented in 1923, even though one of those fragments went-​on to take control of the political establishment of Indiana.

Why would the FBI join forces with Democrats and ignore left-​wing violence? Maybe because they both want the same thing: absolute power.
Not looking at cities burning gives them more time to focus on parents who are merely exercising their free speech rights by attending and speaking out at school board meetings. Now any concerned parent who questions the curriculum is being called a ‘domestic terrorist’.

Anarchy — the term in question derives from the Greek arkhos, meaning “rulers.” The critical prefix, an, simply denotes “without.”
An-​arkhos — Anarchy (noun): without rulers.
Not without rules, just without rulers. No masters, in other words… and therefore, no slaves. Only freely contracting individuals, voluntarily interacting for the benefit of one and, by extension, the other.
Antifa and BLM, on the other hand, are terrorists. If the FBI, etc. follow or agree with them, they meet that same definition.

I hope I’m one of your anarchist friends. I’m an anarchist, and I don’t support the initiation of force (I’m fine with violence, though, in defense of self or others).

And like every other anarchist on earth, I’m also antifa.

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