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A Suit of a Different Color


Donald Trump has threatened to use lawsuits against people he says are lying about him. Even if elected President.

Well, enter the third Mrs. Donald Trump, Melania. She is suing Britain’s Daily Mail* for suggesting that she may have worked as a “part time escort in New York,” explains the BBC, “and met husband Donald Trump, who is now running for the White House, earlier than previously reported.”

We know from published nude photographs that she was in the U.S. before the time specified by her presidential-​hopeful husband. And for some, those nude photographs lend credence to a rumor about escort service work. (She’s made money for being photographed in sexual congress before.)

The Daily Mail has withdrawn its article, insisting that it had not “suggested the sex work claims were true but said that, even if false, they could affect the US presidential campaign.” Sounds like a defense to me.

Earlier this week I confessed to my lack of accounting expertise. Now I should do the same regarding law. Yet, the claim by the Trumps’ lawyer, Charles Harder, seems hard to take seriously — that is, that the defendants’ statements were “so egregious, malicious and harmful to Mrs. Trump that her damages are estimated at $150 million dollars.”

Really? That much?

Besides, it’s her husband’s career on the line. And a sex morals rumor about Mrs. Trump wilts next to the long list of rumors and established fact in the scandal department of actual candidate (and former First Lady) Mrs. Bill Clinton.

Seems with either major party candidate, we’re guaranteed a soap opera … and full employment for lawyers.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


* She is also suing an American blogger.

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Melania, Donald, Trump, daily mail, scandal, sex worker, illustration


2 replies on “A Suit of a Different Color”

Again, it is “The Greatest Reality Show of the Century” starring Donald Trump and Mrs. Billary – Hillary Diane Rodham– Clinton, and the American voters are being “Trumped” and Bill-​ked by both of them!

Someone must have lied in an earlier report stating that Melania was only suing for $75,000 on each count! Donald must be in need of more for his campaign.

Believe it or not there is a candidate who evidently has not huge scandals, works diligently and is modest and not prone to lies or tantrums. Built his own business while paying people as promised, was reelected to office served two terms as governor. He also can mathematically win, not easily but it is possible. Even if he does not win, a large showing will send a clear message that people are wise to the lies and subterfuge. Best is you vote for him, though not perfect, one does not feel as if they are simply choosing a lesser evil., Just a hard working fellow who has sensible ideas. Gee Whiz!. Or is that simply too boring and too easy a decision.

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