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Another Leaf Out of Gov’t’s Playbook


Could government be a suck-​hole for intelligence? Could one’s proximity to government reduce one’s IQ?

America’s public (read: government) schools too often serve as Wisdom-​Free Zones.

The Ahmed Mohamed story shocked a lot of people. A kid with a clock was mistaken for a terrorist with a bomb and the school and local police threw reason and procedure and everything else out the window. But no one should be shocked. Every week, maybe every day, news creeps out of America’s “common schools” to prove, once again, that its administrators and teachers seem to be deficient in common sense.

When I wrote about Ahmed’s timepiece yesterday, I mentioned several examples of public school hysteria over fictitious, symbolic, or non-​existent weapons. Such stories are Old Faithfuls here at Common Sense. But one case I haven’t written about* is the six-​month-​old tale of the Bedford County, Virginia, lad who was expelled from school for possession of a marijuana leaf.

The police dropped the drug case upon testing the leaf in evidence. It was not Cannabis sativa but Acer palmatum, the Japanese maple leaf, a harmless shrub.

Still, the school stuck to the year-​long suspension, wouldn’t let up. Zero tolerance.

Now, the 11-​year-​old boy had supposedly boasted about having marijuana. And schools do have rules against “look-​alike” drugs. I just wonder why the student received zero due process and how we expect youngsters to grow up in a world without even a tidbit of tolerance.

This dysfunction is not racism or fear or Islamophobia, as some claim in the Ahmed case.

It’s just the inflexible witlessness of those with too much unchecked authority.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


* Coming, as it did, immediately on the heels of the infamous Pop Gun Tart insanity.…

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Zero Tolerance, schools, hysteria


1 reply on “Another Leaf Out of Gov’t’s Playbook”

I  can’t post this too often, since it depicts precisely what has transpired in our education system …
Congressional Record – Appendix, pp. A34-​A35, January 10, 1963
Current Communist Goals
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

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