
Townhall: The Aged Cheese Stink


When regulators go by the books, common sense goes by the boards.

At Townhall​.com this weekend, the subject is cheese. The cheese may stand alone, but artisanal cheese makers stuck together, and got something of a reprieve, from the people in government who think they know best.

  •  The original FDA ruling that started the stink: here.
  • Why this was so wrong-​headed, according to the Cheese Note blog: here.
  • The coverage and appraisal of the contretemps in Forbes: here.
  • For contrast, consider the latest cheese news: a Velveeta recall. Why? Not enough preservatives! The Big Cheese story, here.




4 replies on “Townhall: The Aged Cheese Stink”

back to the disaster obummah has made of US Foriegn policy:

The Wprost news magazine said the recording was of a private conversation earlier this year between Sikorski and Jacek Rostowski, a member of parliament with the ruling Civic Platform who until last year was finance minister.

The magazine did not say who recorded the conversation, or how it obtained the recording.

Aides to Sikorski and Rostowski said they had no immediate comment. A government spokeswoman said it was hard to form a view based on a few excerpts of a conversation, but there might be a comment later.

According to a transcript of excerpts of the conversation that was published by Wprost on its Internet site, Sikorski told Rostowski: “You know that the Polish-​US alliance isn’t worth anything.”

“It is downright harmful, because it creates a false sense of security … Complete bullshit. We’ll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians and we’ll think that everything is super, because we gave the Americans a blow job. Losers. Complete losers.”

According to the transcript, Sikorski described Warsaw’s attitude towards the United States using the Polish word “murzynskosc.”

That derives from the word “murzyn,” which denotes a dark-​skinned person and someone who does the work for somebody else, according to the PWN Polish language dictionary.


HUh? I thought this was about cheese. What am I missing? Anyway, the bad news is the the FDA issued a hamhanded and premature ruling. The good news is that they are willing to reexamine. Hopefully, they will follow the science. It seems that wood can indeed be used safely according to U of C Davis. http://​faculty​.vetmed​.ucdavis​.edu/​f​a​c​u​l​t​y​/​d​o​c​l​i​v​e​r​/​R​e​s​e​a​r​c​h​/​c​u​t​t​i​n​g​b​o​ard.htm

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