free trade & free markets too much government

Obamacare Results Already In


A reader named Gert, commenting at National Review Online, repeats a notion heard often enough to become cliché.

Gert suggests that to debate Obamacare is “terribly premature. We just don’t have the data to know how it’s working yet.” Give it a chance to play out a bit more. Meantime, forget mere “anecdotes,” like those told by the millions who have lost their insurance despite the president’s repeated assurance that if they liked their coverage, they could keep it, “Period.”

Such advisors speak as if Obamacaresque interference in medicine were a species of interventionism utterly unlike anything before.Will and Ariel Durant's History of Western Civilization

But Obamacare is a type of thing; if we know that this type of thing is destructive by its nature, we can expect Obamacare to also be so. We know enough already — from history, economics, philosophy, psychology — to know that persons free to make their own judgments and act on them peacefully are better off than persons whose every move is mandated or banned.

What enables human beings to produce wealth, solutions, and alternatives in any realm is freedom. With responsibility. Freedom to act and to profit from our actions by choosing, as producers, what goods to provide others; by choosing, as consumers, the products that best suit our needs and circumstances. And to reap the rewards of success, and learn from our failures.

To continue to destroy this freedom in the name of collecting more data is wrong-​headed. If the history of mankind so far doesn’t provide enough info to convince someone of the value of liberty, what will?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

6 replies on “Obamacare Results Already In”

Gert’s logic is hopelessly flawed.
If she needs empirical evidence she should not feel free to ignore the FACT that every attempt at market control and manipulation has created more problems that it solved.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing time after time, in anticipation of a different result. I, therefore, cannot subscribe to her theory.


I was able to keep my insurance BUT NOT MY DOCTOR. A Doctor who had treated members of my family, well, and honestly and with compassion, was not allowed (due to Obamacare- may it sink, and quickly) to stay with the insurance co. So, in my case, I changed insurance companies.

I know several doctors who have the same issues, sometimes with firms that they have been with for decades. With never a complaint.

.… Obamacare is a type of thing .… 

Or is, rather, the symptom of a type of thing. Is, in fact, the clear indicator of that type of thing: Of totalitarianism. 

Doctor Ben Carson alluded to that type of thing the other day when he compared what’s happening in America with 1930’s Germany’s first creeping, then, suddenly avalanching, national socialism. As, since Marx, has every totalitarian, by-​every-​other-​name, Herr Hitler enforced state “health care,” too. 

Hitler, that is, who very well understood that when Lenin said to the effect: that state “health-​care” is the keystone to the arch though which every free man will be force-​marched into the (totalitarian) state, Lenin wasn’t kidding! 

NOTA BENE: Nor is Obama and nor is any other of the “Democratic” Potty Crime Family. They are also all “playing” for keeps! 

Brian Richard Allen

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