responsibility too much government

Global Gall


Human cells have 46 chromosomes. So all the relevant evidence tells us.

But suppose persuasive evidence emerged that human cells have, say, 48 chromosomes? And suppose hackers discovered emails by prominent biologists talking about the need to “hide the extra chromosomes”? Or to prevent other biologists from discussing the evidence for these extras?

And suppose after the scandal broke, a government agency asked biologists to sign a petition “defending the integrity of genetic science” against “skeptics”?

Hacked emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Unit confirm that there is more deception and less unity in climate science than many have claimed. Debate about the extent of global warming and of mankind’s contribution to it intensifies. But some scientists have struggled to suppress this debate and even to hide basic climate data.

In response to the scandal, the United Kingdom’s national weather service recently asked climatologists to sign a petition saying everything is hunky-​dory in climate research and the official global-​warming paradigm. 

Hey, I like petitions, but … are we doing science here? Or politics? 

One anonymous scientist, quoted in The Times of London, explained that UK’s weather service “is a major employer of scientists and has long had a policy of only appointing and working with those who subscribe to their views on man-​made global warming.”

I think my question has been answered.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

10 replies on “Global Gall”

One anonymous scientist, quoted in The Times of London, explained that UK’s weather service “is a major employer of scientists and has long had a policy of only appointing and working with those who subscribe to their views on man-​made global warming.”

Prostitution appears in many forms, and apparently not all hookers call you “Baby” or “Honey.”

Like someone smarter then me once pointed out in response to the claim that MOST scientist agree on man’s role in global warming. “If scientific discovery was based on majority rule, we might still believe that the world is flat and we are the center of the Universe!”

When someone has announced that “The debate is over,” while you’ve seen no signs of any credible debate, expect bad things to happen. 

How many debates has Al Gore participated in? How many times has someone asking him a question been silenced?

FoxNews gets panned with smear tactics, always short on examples. Radical right? FoxNews simply isn’t THAT good! On the other hand, its viewers know about the global warming email scandal, while those depending on ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN are still clueless.

Maybe they go to Drudge to get the *censored* stuff?

I’m reading a SMITHSONIAN book “Ship”. On page 38 explaining how the Vikings were able to settle the Faroe Islands ‑200 miles west of Norway in 870AD they state “They were fortunate to live at a time when the climate was, on average, somewhat warmer than today…”. We are experiencing a cyclical climate change. Any other explanation is just scare tactics.

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