Common Sense

The Incumbency Tax


Remember that line on your tax return that asks you whether you want to donate any of your taxes to the cause of giving face time to pious incumbent politicians?

Oh, don’t remember that line?

Well, the folks in power are helping themselves to your tax dollars to help themselves politically … whether you approve or not. Leave it to John Stossel to point out what seems to slip right past the radar screens of most of his colleagues.

In a recent installment of his “Give Me a Break” segment, which airs Fridays on “20/​20,” Stossel reports on the avalanche of anemic public service announcements starring incumbents across the land. For example, former Arizona governor Fyfe Symington appeared in a public service announcement reminding citizens to “avoid the sun from 10 to 4.”

Then there’s New Jersey Governor Christie Whitman, who tells viewers that “summers in New Jersey are full of surprises.”

Ohio Governor Bob Taft reminisces about how “My family and I have many beautiful memories of Ohio state parks.” Thanks Bob.

Perhaps the most prolific public service self-​advertiser is New York Governor George Pataki, who is eager to tell you that “New York lakes are full of life.” Oh, pack it in, Pataki!

Needless to say, all this taxpayer-​funded self-​promoting advertising can’t hurt come election time. The politicians say the ads “serve the public.”

Says John Stossel: “Come on! They’re using your money to serve themselves. Give me a break.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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