Common Sense

The Un-​United Nations


Should the United Nations be carrying out the edicts of totalitarian governments? And should we as Americans be paying for it? A fellow named Bawa Jain organized a religious meeting at the United Nations, a summit of a thousand religious leaders from around the world. But guess who wasn’t allowed to attend? The Dalai Lama, exiled spiritual leader of Tibet. Nor were members of China’s Falun Dafa spiritual movement welcome. Why? Because China’s Communist government didn’t want them here.

China has repressed the Dalai Lama and banned Falun Dafa. China is no friend of religious freedom, or freedom period. Organizer Bawa Jain says he was “forced” to follow the preferences of the Chinese Communist government. And UN Secretary General Kafi Annan backs the decision. “I have tried to open this house as much as I can,” he says.

Politicians in this country, including our President, are so afraid of sounding anti-​United Nations that they are willing to allow huge amounts of our tax dollars to be spent stupidly, or even worse, immorally. American taxpayers have shelled out more $15 billion dollars to the UN over the past decade. If the United Nations doesn’t stand for bringing people together, what’s the point?

It’s bad enough that the U.S. government has insulted the Dalai Lama before at the bidding of the Chinese, but abandoning the American principle of freedom is even worse.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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