by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Have We Reached Peak Hubris Yet?

Paul remembers and honors P.J. O’Rourke — who shuffled off the mortal coil last week — and reconsiders the bigger stories, too, in this shorter-​than-​usual episode of This Week in Common Sense. Here it is on Rumble:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Rumble-​only Genocide Game Coverage

Paul Jacob covers (on Rumble alone) the games almost no one is watching:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Against Nincompoopery

Some disagreement about who’s the idiot now — Paul Jacob’s weekend podcast on Rumble and YouTube:

meme satire (meme) video

The Real Thing

Celebrate the Olympic Games. And all they entail?

See our latest video on Rumble and within our new category on YouTube (satire):

More on the Chinese government’s crimes against humanity:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Trout, Milk, Mania

In this episode of This Week in Common Sense, we start with the bust of Nefertiti, chat about the Neil Young spat with Joe Rogan and Spotify, and then lay into the big stories of the week — for yes, Paul Jacob smells something fishy in mainstream media and world politics!

Please go to Rumble, sign on, and subscribe — and give us a “rumble” if you like what we do. The audio podcast version is hosted on SoundCloud and available via most podcatchers.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Ours, Yours, Theirs

Paul Jacob expands upon the big stories of the week, not excluding the mostly positive tales of the mask mandaters routed:

This Week in Common Sense, January 22, 2022.