by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Marginalizers Exclude Well

Paul Jacob fields comments on last week’s episodes of Common Sense:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: The Devil Made Them Do It?

This Week in Common Sense, January 9, 2021.
by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Liberty is the only thing…

This Week in Common Sense, January 2, 2021.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: What Censors Do

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Nightmares Not Yet Over

The week’s biggest stories, from Seattle’s soft-​on-​theft socialism to our planet’s biggest Maybe Benefactors: the Galactic Federation — in full video:

This Week in Common Sense, December 2020: #3.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Signs o’ the Times

The TIME “Person of the Year” deserves the pronouns ‘they/​them/​their’ — but should have been one Chinese politician.…

This Week in Common Sense for the second week of December 2020.