
David Ricardo

April 18 marks the 1772 birthday of David Ricardo, English political economist and one of the most influential thinkers in economic theory. An advocate for free trade and the abolition of slavery, Ricardo’s most famous work is his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817).

In America in 2022, April 18 is the date income taxes are due to be filed.


Ronald Hamowy

April 17 marks the 1937 birth of Ronald Hamowy, Canadian historian, who first came to international prominence for his writings in the short-​lived but influential New Individualist Review. Hamowy died in 2012.

April 17, 1907 — The Ellis Island immigration center processed 11,747 immigrants, more than on any other day.

April 17, 1942 — French prisoner of war General Henri Giraud escaped from his castle prison in Königstein Fortress.

April 17, 1969 – Communist Party of Czechoslovakia chairman Alexander Dubček was deposed.


From Birmingham Jail

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., penned his Letter from Birmingham Jail while incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama, for protesting segregation, on April 16, 1963.


Bergen-​Belsen Liberated

On April 15, 1945, the Bergen-​Belsen concentration camp was liberated.


First Abolitionists

On April 14, 1775, the Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, the first American organization committed to the abolition of slavery, was formed in Philadelphia.

On April 14, 1818, Noah Webster published his American Dictionary of the English Language, one of the first lexicons to include distinctly American words. The dictionary, which took him more than two decades to compile, introduced more than 10,000 “Americanisms.”

On April 14, 1988, representatives of the Soviet Union, Afghanistan, the United States, and Pakistan signed an agreement calling for the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan. In exchange for an end to the disputed Soviet occupation, the United States agreed to end its arms support for the Afghan anti-​Soviet factions, and Afghanistan and Pakistan agreed not to interfere in each other’s affairs.


Thomas Jefferson

On April 13, 1743, Thomas Jefferson was born. Author of Notes on the State of Virginia and the first draft of the United States’ Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was also a scientist, philosopher, inventor, diplomat, and American politician. He also composed music, designed buildings, and translated works from his favorite French writers, whom he had met in his diplomatic missions to Paris: Volney and de Tracy.