On January 18, 1689, Montesquieu, French satirist and philosopher, was born. His treatise “The Spirit of the Laws” was a major influence of America’s founding generation.
On January 18, 1689, Montesquieu, French satirist and philosopher, was born. His treatise “The Spirit of the Laws” was a major influence of America’s founding generation.
On January 17, 1937, Chicago School economist George Stigler was born. Stigler won a Nobel Memorial Prize for his work. His delightful autobiography is entitled “Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist.”
On January 16, 1930, conservative writer Norman Podhoretz was born.
On January 15, 1777, New Connecticut (present day Vermont) declared its independence.
January 14 is New Year’s Day according to the old, Julian Calendar. On January 14, 1514, Pope Leo X issued a papal bull against slavery. On the same date in 1639, the first written constitution to create a government, the “Fundamental Orders,” was adopted in Connecticut.
On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine published Common Sense.