audio podcast

Listen: Practical Ways to Fight Tyranny

This Week in Common Sense, June 8 — 12, 2020.
audio podcast

Listen: What’s Between Anarchy and Tyranny?

Paul Jacob reviews the big stories of the week:

This Week in Common Sense, June 1 — 5, 2020
audio podcast

Listen: Good News!

This Week in Common Sense:

May 25 — 29, 2020
audio podcast

Listen: Cash Machines in the Breeze?

This weekend’s podcast goes further in depth than we could during the week. You get something more for listening.

This Week in Common Sense, May 18 — 22, 2020.

Please share with friends. Or subscribe on Stitcher or Apple podcasts. On SoundCloud (above) you can comment on specific moments in the track.

audio podcast

Listen: To the Light…

This week began with medical devices and loose Trump talk and the predictable idiotic reactions, and ended with idiotic regulations by the FDA. Paul recaps and expands upon the week’s stories:

This Week in Common Sense, May 11 — 15, 2020.
audio podcast

Listen: Freakin’

Paul covers the week’s big stories:

This Week in Common Sense, May 8, 2020.