too much government

Mugged by Obamacare


Sometimes people rush to support the destruction of their freedom (and that of others), then become shocked to learn how destructive such destruction can be.

Businessman and “left-​leaning activist” Link Christensen, former advocate of Obamacare, once cheered this sweeping assault on what remains of our medical freedom because “it sounded like a good idea to offer insurance to all the people in the country.”

Perhaps he didn’t realize what kind of “offers” get foisted on us by government force. Anyway, his enthusiasm has now waned. Christensen and his employees currently pay about $60 a month for insurance coverage. But this insurance does not satisfy Obamacare’s mandates. To switch to a compliant program, they’ll have to fork over at least twice as much.

“It’s not going to be any type of bargain for people who work for me,” Christensen observes. “I’m concerned that my employees and others in that socioeconomic background are going to be left without any coverage.…”

Not the way things were supposed to be! What happened to the promised paradise?

Yet the higher costs, shrinking alternatives, and other baleful effects of Obamacare and of government interventionism generally are predictable. Perhaps Mr. Christensen and others inclined to leap before they look when it comes to government nostrums can now try the reverse. Perhaps they can think twice the next time somebody flourishes a pair of handcuffs and says “Here, put these on, it’ll help people.”

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

4 replies on “Mugged by Obamacare”

Has anyone tried an Equal Protection challenge to the Affordable Care Act? It is obvious that the “waivers” from Obamacare are an integral part of its functioning. What classifications are being used to exempt Congress, IRS workers, Unions, and others from Obamacare? 

This is an extreme case of a caste system being introduced into our country. Not only that, the use of the IRS to enforce it further amplifies the issues of inequality before the law, because the IRS has already been used as a political tool in giving non-​profit status only to political friends.

In summary: “Sometimes people rush to support the destruction of their freedom (and that of others), then become shocked to learn how destructive such destruction can be.… Perhaps they can think twice the next time somebody flourishes a pair of handcuffs and says ‘Here, put these on, it’ll help people.’ ”

Will people recognize that giving up your responsibility to government (in this case, responsibility for your medical care) also means giving up your freedom and your choices. 

Freedom and responsibility go together, and you cannot get rid of one without losing the other. But some people think they can use government to live off others, and unfortunately they can, but at a price. Government used in this fashion is immoral.

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