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Another Comedian Breaks Free

Comedian Sarah Silverman, who has famously lent no small part of her cachet to the progressive cause, supporting Senator Bernie Sanders in both of his Democratic presidential runs, is now ditching the Democratic Party.

Her complaint isn’t that the party stiffed her candidate twice, first when the Democratic National Committee stabbed Bernie in the back for Hillary and next when it orchestrated ingenious maneuvers to gain the nomination (and then the presidency) for the tepid (and tepidly supported) Joe Biden.

I have argued before that Democrat insiders’ treatment of Sanders was deeply anti-​democratic. But no, Ms. Silverman directs her ire against “the absolutist-​ness of the party,” as she put it the other day on Instagram. “It’s so … elitist. You know, for something called ‘progressive,’ it allows for zero progress.”* Telling, perhaps, that Ms. Silverman emphasizes “progressive” and not “democratic,” as if it were named “The Progressive Party.”

Silverman specifically called attention not only to progressives’ unwillingness to compromise, but also to the it-​takes-​two-​to-​tango divide: “You know, Republicans might hear an idea that they would totally agree with, but, if it comes from AOC then they hate it.” She admitted that the same thing applied to her.

No wonder, then, that she does not “want to be associated with any party anymore,” complaining about “too much baggage.”

But she’s objecting to her fellow progressives’ anti-​free speech agenda, too, characterizing it as “righteousness porn.”

Silverman, who has a special named Jesus Is Magic and is famous for her rape jokes, has herself felt the sting of cancel culture and would be a natural proponent of principled free speech.

But that is not a progressive cause, it is a very old-​fashioned liberal one.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

* An f‑bomb has been elided in the quotation from Ms. Silverman.

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2 replies on “Another Comedian Breaks Free”

It isn’t the Democrat party either, Paul; it is the Democratic Socialists of America, who are controlling the agenda and the front puppet, Biden. They have successfully hijacked the Democratic Party and the nation in one operation.

Actions speak louder than words. See what Ms. Silverman does now that she has signaled her own virtue. She may not want to be associated with any party but she still has to stand FOR something. Let’s see what that is.

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