national politics & policies partisanship

Voting Like a Neo-Nazi


Dinesh D’Souza is tickled. You see, Richard B. Spencer, the almost-​famous “alt-right”/“Sieg Heil” guy is voting, he says on Twitter, “for Biden and a straight democratic ticket.”

D’Souza, who is relentlessly pro-​Republican in addition to pushing conservative values and arguments, had his dearest dream handed to him. Richard Spencer, an ethnonationalist, is loathed mightily by the left. And, frankly, by most of the right. Not to mention those looking straight-​ahead and ‑backwards. So to have Spencer prefer the Democrats is rich.

For Republicans. (And not a few others.)

Usually, Democrats revel in lambasting Republicans for garnering support among the explicitly racist set. Now, tables turned.

Yet this is not really all that “out there.” Spencer, who is often characterized as a neo-​Nazi, has admitted to many leftist sympathies in the past. His only real heresy from the left is his racist nationalism. He likes transfer programs, regulations, etcetera. Hefty-​sized, all-​encompassing government.

In his original tweet, Spencer explained his rationale less ideologically, though: “It’s not based on ‘accelerationism’* or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people.”

Uh, what?

Oh, the heights — or depths — of irony should this election between Sleepy Joe and The Donald come down to a contest over competence. Mr. Trump’s struggles with the pandemic — as well as the economic impacts of a lockdown strategy so tightly embraced by progressives —hardly proves the competence of Democrats. Nor do riots in cities run by Democrats over alleged structural racism administered by those same Democrats.

But the Democrats were competent enough to get a Richard Spencer endorsement.

That’s something?

At least for the Republicans.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

“Accelerationism” noun : the scheme to embrace one’s opponents’ ideas so that they prove themselves spectacularly bad, and one can then ride in during the ensuing chaos. [Risky maneuver.]

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4 replies on “Voting Like a Neo-Nazi”

The salient point voters should keep in mind during this election is that they really aren’t voting for Creepy Uncle Joe. It’s obvious to any casual observer that he is mentally incapable of fulfilling the role of president.
They’re actually voting for Kamala, the worst possible choice for president of our republic, a person so obnoxious that even democrats wouldn’t vote for her during the primaries!

I’m truly shocked — shocked, I say — to discover that a Neo-​Nazi (Nazi = “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”) is planning to vote for fellow socialists. Both sides should keep in mind, though, that “right-​wing socialist” Adolph turned around and stabbed “left-​wing socialist” Joe Stalin in the back as soon as it was convenient after negotiating that “non-​aggression” pact.

LOL. If you lived in DC, I think you probably would have sent me an invoice!

As you wrote it, it is true. But it is also true as I wrote it. And considering that Democrats, including in cities that are run by Democrats, are throwing around blame for the police brutality at others, that it needed to be said the way I said it.

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