Accountability crime and punishment moral hazard national politics & policies responsibility too much government

Too Much


When President Obama said, “[W]e ask the police to do too much,” at the memorial service for the five slain Dallas policemen, he was echoing an idea previously expressed.

“We’re asking cops to do too much in this country,” Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters a day earlier. “Every societal failure, we put it off on the cops to solve,” he added, noting such problems as a lack of mental healthcare, rampant drug abuse, substandard schools and even roaming dogs.

So, what should police stop doing?

Plenty. But I’ll save that answer for tomorrow. Today, let’s pose another: Why so much crime, poverty, and violence in these communities?

Mr. Obama fingered not taxing-​and-​spending enough on benefits for the poor, including for “decent schools,” “gainful employment,” and “mental health programs.” Yet, after decades of expensive wars on poverty, illiteracy, drug abuse, etc., things have only gotten worse.

“We flood communities with so many guns,” the president intoned, “that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock, than get his hands on a computer or even a book.”

He’s playing fast and furious with the truth. Books are free at the library. Glocks cost money.

And who is this “we” he keeps bringing up?

Chief Brown mentioned a critical problem Obama did not: “Seventy percent of the African American community is being raised by single women.”

Police cannot solve all our problems, sure, but they especially cannot fix problems exacerbated by the welfare state and the educational system. Big government is no substitute for Mom and Dad.

Even freedom merely offers the opportunity to fix our own problems.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Obama, Police Chief David Brown , police, abuse, poverty,


3 replies on “Too Much”

Almost all major public incidents involving shootings and purported shootings these days are staged events by deep state agencies working a ‘chaos’ agenda… to create fear, hate, and control. My guess is Dallas is of the same cloth: http://​www​.veteranstoday​.com/​2​0​1​6​/​0​7​/​0​8​/​f​f​w​n​-​dallas/. We the people are not going to know the truth until we take charge with independent, ubiquitous citizens’ grand juries to investigate and indict all instances and reasonable complaints of gross official misconduct. (http://​www​.amazon​.com/​H​i​d​d​e​n​-​4​t​h​-​B​r​a​n​c​h​-​G​o​v​e​r​n​m​e​n​t​s​-​N​i​g​h​t​m​a​r​e​/​d​p​/​1​4​5​6​5​6​6​6​6​0​/​?​t​a​g​=​t​h​e​c​o​fcoa-20)

Paul Jacob
Paul: We as a nation have recognized, or should have recognized, the problem of absentee fathers at least since Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan tried to warn us in 1965 that America’s national policies on poverty and race were not just counter-​productive, but harmful and dangerous. This article from “The Atlantic” magazine in April of 1993 stated that the then current social scientific research reconfirmed the absence of fathers to be a continuing constant with regard to poverty and crime, verifying our intuitive sense of the serious damage national policies continued to inflict upon American families. Twenty-​three years later, our nation continues to pursue failed policies that conform to a preferred political narrative that continues and increases reliance upon government largess rather than lifts people out of poverty. All in the effort to buy votes. The programs are designed to fail in order to keep a large segment of the population dependent upon entitlement programs and thereby given to support those politicians and political parties who increase entitlement benefits. It is an electoral scam. Moreover, it is morally indefensible and reprehensible, both for the individual families it helps to break apart or never form, and the damage done to our national health and security through the creation and cultivation of a permanent underclass. 


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