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The Sanders/​Obama/​Nye Conjecture


When some of America’s most illustrious public figures — Senator Bernie Sanders, President Barack Obama, and Bill Nye the Science Guy — proclaim global climate change as the “obvious” cause of the rise of ISIS (and recent rounds of terrorism), it’s time to consider:

Is it climate change that is responsible for the recent rash of mass shootings in the U.S., most recently in San Bernardino?

There is a drought in California — a water shortage, anyway.

But that is caused more by overuse and underpricing of water resources — itself the result of public, not private, water resource management — than climate change.

Isn’t it more likely that people on the margin of stability — call them “crazy” or just evil — take cues from other shooters in the news, draw inspiration and then draw guns?

And fire.

America’s non-​Muslim, home-​grown mass murderers don’t seem to be making a clear point. Syrian refugee and European ISIS-​sympathizing Muslim radicals do seem to be making a point — but one quite tangential to Bill Nye’s nifty causal chain: man-​made global warming leads to droughts; farmers leave the country for the city; over-​strapped cities lack water and jobs; frustrated male (and female) refugees go postal.

Hey Bill, don’t war and drone strikes, not to mention tyranny, also cause instability?

But then, so would cutting back on fossil fuels: the whole mid-​east region runs on fuel sold to the West. If we fight ISIS by combatting CO2 emissions, and if the Sanders/​Obama/​Nye Theory is correct, we’ll just get more ISIS.

Copy-​cattery and ideology explain this evil better. Not climate change.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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climate change, global warming, drought, terrorism, Common Sense


7 replies on “The Sanders/​Obama/​Nye Conjecture”

I suspect that the attempted or actual imposition of a cultural system over an population where many are unwilling or do not believe in the change demanded tends to cause violence. It appears to have happened various times in history. Forced “conversions” to communism, fascism, Christianity, Islam all come to mind-​and many of them preceded “global warming”. 
It appears the Bernie, Hillary, Barak and Bill have a bit of studying to do. They may have missed the mark. 
Nice premise, poor evidence. 

The inmates are running the asylum. As to Mr. Nye, he’s a scientist not an expert on global terrorism. 

I find it odd that the Middle East’s history, as a whole, is ignored. Since the dark ages that part of the world has have killed each other in the name of Allah & ethnic cleansing. Obviously this was long before the mass use of fossil fuels. If it weren’t so pathetic, I would find these statements: Global warming = terrorism, hilarious.

It is a great pity that persons running for or occupying “leadership” positions can make such statements without being dismissed totally. 

We don’t need Middle Eastern oil. Unfortunately, because of the government’s profligate spending,  what we DO need is Saudi Arabia ’ continued insistence that the rest of the world trade oil in dollars. Without that the dollar would be quickly abandoned by the rest of the world leading to its collapse. Since we have to accommodate them, that means that we continue supporting their government and using Middle Eastern oul.

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