
Video: FCC to Monitor and Regulate?


Scary, funny, incoherent, dumb, foolish, and a very, very bad idea.

1 reply on “Video: FCC to Monitor and Regulate?”

Keep up the good work, i just want to get the world to realize that we live in a world where the BANKERS are the real criminals:

The US Federal Reserve knew about Libor rigging three years before the financial scandal exploded but did not take any firm action, documents have revealed.
According to newly published transcripts of the central bank’s meetings in the run-​up to and immediate aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a senior Fed official first flagged the issue at a policy meeting in April 2008.
William Dudley expressed fears that banks were being dishonest in the way they were calculating the London interbank offered rate – a global benchmark interest rate used as the basis for trillions of pounds of loans and financial contracts.
“There is considerable evidence that the official Libor fixing understates the rates paid by many banks for funding,” he said.


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