ideological culture insider corruption political challengers

The Wicked Witch Is Dead


Many is the time I’ve compared various politicians to The Wizard of Oz’s man behind the curtain. They’re not bad men; they’re just not very good wizards.

But today brings a different connection to Oz: I can’t get the song, “Ding-​dong, the Witch Is Dead!” out of my head.

Tuesday, Oklahoma’s Democratic Party primary voters ended Attorney General Drew Edmondson’s gubernatorial bid.

Regular readers of Common Sense know I’m no fan of Mr. Edmondson, who attempted to bully and threaten two others and me, the Oklahoma Three, for daring to push a petition to put a state spending cap on the ballot. Edmondson indicted us, in 2007, on a phony felony charge that carried a ten-​year prison term. After a year and a half of Edmondson delaying to deny us our day in court, the trumped-​up charge was dismissed.

We certainly weren’t the only victims of Edmondson’s put-​politics-​before-​justice philosophy. A Competitive Enterprise Institute report judged Edmondson to be the third worst AG in the nation for, among other things, abusing “the power of [his] office for political ends.”

At CapitolBeatOK​.com, Patrick McGuigan detailed much of Edmondson’s bad behavior, helping hasten the day that Oklahomans would be free of him. In January 2011 that day will come for the man once described as “Barney Fife with bullets — and no Andy.” 

Justice is finally sweeping down the plains. 

Oh, wrong movie. Here: You-​know-​who has just met his opportune bucket of water.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

6 replies on “The Wicked Witch Is Dead”

As a fellow Oklahoman living abroad (in another state) I congratulate the voters for their common sense.

I remember growing up in Norman in the ’50s when everyone one was a Democrat – one just had to choose between liberal or conservative democratic candidates.

However, I am wondering if anyone is looking at filing an Anti-​SLAPP suit against Edmondson and other corrupt government leaders? Seems to me that you might have a good case to win such a case. 

Has there been any recent success with anti-​SLAPP suits in Oklahoma?

As a fellow Oklahoman living abroad (in another state) I congratulate the voters for their common sense.

I remember growing up in Norman in the ’50s when everyone was a Democrat – one just had to choose between liberal or conservative democratic candidates.

However, I am wondering if anyone is looking at filing an Anti-​SLAPP suit against Edmondson and other corrupt government leaders? Seems to me that you might have a good case to win such a case. 

Has there been any recent success with anti-​SLAPP suits in Oklahoma?

As a fellow Oklahoman living abroad (in another state) I congratulate the voters for their common sense.

I remember growing up in Norman in the ’50s when everyone was a Democrat – one just had to choose between liberal or conservative democratic candidates.

However, I am wondering if anyone is looking at filing an Anti-​SLAPP suit against Edmondson and other corrupt government leaders? Seems to me that you might have a good case to win such a suit. 

Has there been any recent success with anti-​SLAPP suits in Oklahoma?

He also over-​ruled a judge’s decision on a custody case and appointed a new judge who would decide the case in favor of the prosecution. The paper said it was the first time in OK.

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