crime and punishment insider corruption political challengers

Time to Drop Charges


Annette Bosworth is a medical doctor. She’s also a political neophyte, last year having sought the Republican Party nomination for the U.S. Senate in South Dakota.

She lost. Which is not surprising.

But the next day, she was arrested on twelve counts of election fraud and perjury. She awaits a Feb. 3 trial facing an incredible 24 years in the hoosegow — and, not insignificantly, the loss of her medical license if convicted.

Is Bosworth some sort of threat?

Here’s the story: She gathered ample signatures to earn a spot on the ballot, some at her medical office. During the petition drive, however, she went to the Philippines for two weeks to help victims of a typhoon.

According to dates on the petitions, 37 people signed when Dr. Bosworth was saving people and not in South Dakota. Yet, she signed as the circulator, stating she witnessed the signatures being affixed.

To the guillotine!

Bosworth had asked her campaign attorney if she needed to get those 37 folks — whom she knows, one being her sister — to re-​sign. She was advised that she didn’t.

Attorney General Marty Jackley insists Bosworth’s crimes are “serious, deliberate and must be addressed in order to preserve the integrity of our elections.”

Calling such haphazard signature petitioning “commonplace” in South Dakota, former state senator Gordon Howie explains that “during the frenzy of political seasons, MANY (and I do mean MANY) South Dakota politicians circulate petitions and sign as circulators when they are not ‘in the room.’”

Let’s you and me ask* the AG to do the right thing: drop the felony charges.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


* Here is contact information for Attorney General Marty Jackley:

Ask him to do the right thing. Please drop all felony charges against Dr. Annette Bosworth.

Phone: (605) 773‑3215

Email: atghelp@​state.​sd.​us


Official Contact page on AG’s website

11 replies on “Time to Drop Charges”

Thanks for the heads up, posted protest to his facebook.
I would suggest that if he persists that his, and all winner’s petitions, should be carefully scrutinized, and all violations prosecuted to the full extent of the law. After all, it is the winners who must be most closed monitors and audited in order to actually protect the integrity of the system.
It is only after that process is completed that he should commence with the prosecution of those who transgressions were effectively mooted by their loss.

Not good use of tax dollars. Need an AG that is more interested in the spirit of the law, not the letter. If the AG can’t do any better than that, might as well have an illegal in that position. Someone with no allegiance to this country could do as well.

I would be happy if someone could just make her take her medication and go to therapy. Her mental illness does not need to be inflicted on the entire state of South Dakota. Many of us are just tired of it.

I like Dr. Bosworth and believe her heart is in the right place. I think in being naive to the harshness she made a simple mistake. Certainly the proposed punishment dose not fit the alleged crime.

Drop the felony charges! This is too petty to ruin someone’s LIFE! The people who signed WANTED to sign, and no deceit or harm was intended. You are wasting our time. Be a hero and a respectful, understanding individual and drop the charges.

She should face the charges! Stop the insanity, her and Chad’s bazar antic’s to supplement their income by the raffle and other illegal means have defrauded the voters of South Dakota 24 years would give her time to understand that the double standard she live’s by helps some but hurts manner more!

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