Common Sense

Pick Your Battles

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment means what it says: The right of the people to keep and bear arms — that is, have guns — must not be infringed. While more limited in scope than we might wish, District of Columbia v. Heller affirms that the amendment specifies a right of individuals.

To some observers, the lawsuit yielding this ruling had seemed a bit like tilting at windmills. One skeptic was Glen Reynolds, publisher of the popular blog, InstaPundit. Reynolds, who also teaches law, doubted that a majority could be found on the high court to affirm an individual-​rights reading of the Second Amendment.

He now says, “I was wrong, and [Bob Levy] was right. And I’m glad!”

Levy is the Cato Institute scholar who, five years ago, organized and largely bankrolled the suit against the city of Washington, D.C. The city bans residents from owning handguns even to protect their own homes.

Levy notes that Heller is just the “opening salvo” in all the litigation needed to clarify our Second Amendment rights. But at least we now have a “blockbuster decision” that greatly improves the chances of reviving the amendment’s original meaning.

We advocates of liberty must pick our battles. But Heller reminds us that the political landscape and how the struggle itself will affect the prospects for success can’t always be predicted. Levy has certainly proved that this battle is winnable.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Who Gets to Get Guns?

Are all consequences of unconstitutional gun control created equal?

Suppose a town makes it tough or impossible for the average citizen to obtain firearms to protect himself. Does it follow that only the police there possess firearms?

Of course not. We all know that, somehow, persons willing to commit violent crimes for a living are also willing to bear arms — illegally. Despite gun control, both cops and robbers are totin’.

Who else exercises Second Amendment rights in the gun-​free zones? Oh, people with special pull. The people who impose the gun control laws, the politicians themselves.

Chicago resident John Kass has penned an informative piece about this in the Chicago Tribune. Kass observes that in the windy city, where guns are banned, politicians often go around surrounded by armed bodyguards. Chicago taxpayers get to pay for these, of course.

Or the politicians carry arms themselves. One way they get around gun control is to use their connections to arrange for someone to make them deputized peace officers. These deputized politicians don’t actually run around fighting crime. It’s just a ruse.

But what about the honest Chicagoan who lives in a bad neighborhood? With no special connections to help him get around the gun ban? He can get thrown in jail if he’s discovered with a firearm.

There’s only one way to make this right. Shoot down gun control.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.