
Video: The Movie the FEC Censored

When Democratic politicians complain about the Citizens United decision, what they are complaining about is their loss of the power to censor political thought and media in America. This is the movie that the FEC prohibited from being shown in America during the 2007 – 2008 presidential campaign.

Citizens United is a non-​profit corporation, which made Hillary the Movie, a documentary critical of Hillary Clinton, then a candidate for president. The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC overturned the portion of the McCain-​Feingold campaign finance law that allowed the government, in this particular historical case, to stop a movie from being shown in America.

Imagine what Democrats would say (rightly) had the Federal government tried to prohibit Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911.

As a proponent of free speech and the press, you may even be, ahem, obligated to watch this artifact of our history — which is timely once again now that Mrs. Clinton is in the news, considering another run for the presidency.

The Citizens United website has links to the full decision and more.


Video: Nat Hentoff on Clarence Thomas and Anonymous Speech

Free-​speech advocate and historian Natt Hentoff talks about anonymous speech.


Video: Instead of Internet Neutrality

Big moves and much talk about net neutrality in recent days. If your head is swimming, maybe try these two videos from Reason TV:


Video: The Last Days of the White Rose

If you have been following the “Today in Freedom” and new visual meme features here at Common Sense, you are aware of The White Rose, the group of German dissidents who in 1942 and 1943 produced pamphlets against the Nazi regime.

There have been several good books and movies produced about these young and now long-​gone heroes. One of them is available free on YouTube. It focuses on young Sophie Scholls, and her final days — that is, her and her brother’s direct encounter with the Gestapo and the totalitarian Nazi state. Well worth watching, though prepare yourself — it is not a light, comic romp; anything but:

See the Townhall column of these events, now published on this site.

You owe it to yourself to read the six pamphlets of the White Rose, now available here.


Video: Forget Communism?

One has to repeat the oft-​repeated line from Santayana, here: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


Video: Reform Pensions Now

Nick Gillespie at ReasonTV makes a concise case for reforming our out-​of-​control government-​worker pensions: