

On October 10, 1957, Ayn Rand’s dystopian/​utopian novel Atlas Shrugged was published. Written to expound and defend an individualist, freedom/​free-​market point of view, it is one of the most influential and literarily successful didactic novels ever written.

On October 10, 1973, Austrian-​born American economist, Ludwig von Mises* (pictured above) died. 

Two-​hundred fifty-​nine years earlier, the French law-​maker and Jansenist Pierre le Pesant, sieur de Boisguilbert died.

Both economists were known for their defenses of freer markets: le Pesant for pioneering the critique of mercantilism, arguing that a nation’s wealth consisted in what its people produce and trade; Mises for systematizing economic theory and advancing the critique of both socialism and latter-​day mercantilism (what he called “interventionism”).

In January 1958, following the publication of Atlas Shrugged, Mises wrote Ayn Rand a letter of congratulations.



On October 9, 1635, Protestant theologian Roger Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a religious dissident after he spoke out against punishments for religious offenses and giving away Native American land. He moved south, founding Providence Plantations, where he worked for separation of church and state, the rights of aboriginal Americans, and against slavery.


Missing Day(s)

The date October 8, 1582, does not exist in the records of Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain, the result of that year’s implementation of the Gregorian calendar.

Fearing a Catholic plot, Protestant countries adopted the more accurate calendar much later. By the time Britain and its colonies got on board in 1752, eleven days had to be “disappeared.” This caused riots in some places, as people suspected some horrible chicanery — and in actual fact the inspiration for the “Give us our eleven days” protest had something to do with taxes, so it might not have been as idiotic as it now seems.

On October 8, 1793, American merchant, president of the Second Continental Congress (1775 – 1777) and first and third Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, John Hancock (b. 1737), died.


George Mason

On October 7, 1691, the charter for the Province of Massachusetts Bay was issued.

Also on a seventh day of the tenth month, King George III issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which closed Indigenous lands in North America north and west of the Alleghenies to white settlements.

On October 7, 1792, George Mason — “The Father of the Bill of Rights” — died. He had drafted the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776, and, at the time of the drafting and ratification of the Constitution, had insisted on the addition of articles to solidify state’s and individual rights within the new order.

George Mason (pictured) has been honored in numerous ways, including by the United States Postal Service with an 18¢ Great Americans series postage stamp; a bas-​relief in the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives as one of 23 honoring great lawmakers; and with an annual award named for him presented to a person who has made significant, lasting contribution to the practice of journalism in the Commonwealth, awarded by the Society of Professional Journalists, Virginia Pro Chapter.

On October 7, 2003, California Governor Gray Davis was recalled and Arnold Schwarzenegger voted into Davis’s previous gubernatorial spot.


William Tyndale

October 6 is the traditional date commemorating the martyrdom of William Tyndale, in 1536. Tyndale translated the New Testament and much of the Old into the English of his day, and in the process added more new words into the English language than any other single wordsmith, with the possible exception of Shakespeare. He also laid the ground for the later, and more famous, King James (“Authorized”) Edition of the Bible.

Among his memorable coinages and turns of phrase coined as translations from Hebrew and Greek into English include

  • Passover (constructed from the Hebrew Pesach or Pesah)
  • scapegoat
  • a moment in time
  • the powers that be
  • the salt of the earth
  • a law unto themselves
  • it came to pass
  • the signs of the times
  • filthy lucre

A Republic

On October 5, 1910, the Portuguese monarchy was overthrown and a republic declared.