
John McAfee

All power corrupts. Take care which powers you allow a democracy to wield.

John McAfee, last public post to Twitter, as quoted in “Larger-than-life software mogul John McAfee dies in Spain by suicide, lawyer says” (Reuters, June 24, 2021).

Elizabeth Gaskell

Were all men equal to-night, some would get the start by rising an hour earlier to-morrow.

Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton: A Tale of Manchester Life (1848), ch. 37.

Alison Morrow

If I had not quit TV news before COVID, it’s highly likely I would have quit during COVID. ’Cause I would have had a really hard time. TV news, and just news in general, (a) went bonkers under Trump and then [b] went like double bonkers under COVID.

Alison Morrow, on her YouTube interview with Bill Dorris, “‘I was wrong about Ivory Hecker,’ says former TV news journalist,” discussing the case of a TV journalist who ran afoul of her TV news station for her covering of HCQ (June 20, 2021).

Log Lady

Sometime ideas, like men, jump up and say ‘hello.’ They introduce themselves, these ideas, with words. Are they words? These ideas speak so strangely. All that we see in this world is based on someone’s ideas. Some ideas are destructive, some are constructive. Some ideas can arrive in the form of a dream. I can say it again: some ideas arrive in the form of a dream.

Log Lady (played by Margaret Lanterman, née Coulson), in “Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer” (Twin Peaks, Episode Two), written by Mark Frost and David Lynch, premiering April 19, 1990 (ABC).


Un bon mot ne prouve rien.

A witty saying proves nothing.

Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers (1767): Deuxième Entretien.


Thomas Kyd

“Oh eyes, no eyes, but fountains fraught with tears;
Oh life, no life, but lively form of death;
Oh world, no world, but mass of public wrongs,
Confused and filled with murder and misdeeds.”

Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy (1592).