regulation too much government

Wait, What?

Paul Jacob suspects there’s more to the latest SpaceX news than meets the eye.

The Federal Aviation Administration wants to fine Elon Musk’s spacefaring firm SpaceX $633,000 for various alleged infractions of FAA regulations. In response, Musk says he’s suing the agency for “regulatory overreach.”

One set of fines pertains to using an “unapproved control room” and failure to “conduct the required T‑2 hour poll” during a June 2023 launch: 350,000 smackers.

Another set, totaling $283,000, is for using an “unapproved rocket propellant farm,” i.e., tanks for storing fuel until it’s pumped into the ships, back in July 2023.

Meanwhile, the Justice Department has sued SpaceX for hiring “only U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents” (wait, what?) and failing to take into account currently prevailing political winds. Perhaps the FAA should sue the Justice Department for expecting SpaceX to focus on anything but its missions.

The initial reporting doesn’t make clear whether there’s any merit to the FAA’s complaints — wrong specs for fuel tanks or whatever. The mere deviation from some regulation is meaningless if what SpaceX did instead is as safe or safer than what the bureaucrats stipulated.

Large enterprises must navigate an infinite number of regulations, and federal agencies are certainly selective enforcers. If you’re Boeing, it seems you can get away with shoddy practices for years, at least until the fit hits the shan.

I’ll wait to hear more, but I suspect that the FAA’s attempt to grab hundreds of thousands of dollars from Musk is indeed a symptom of regulatory overreach.

And just possibly motivated by … politics.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “Wait, What?”

In social orders corrupted as is ours, the ruling class churns with intrigue. Mr Musk had a seemingly privileged position, but he knew that, some day, a coalition would form to diminish him. He might postpone that day, by ingratiating himself with the right people, but the day would still come. Perhaps he could have clung to a bit of what he had by appeasement; but, instead, he began aligning himself with dissenters, in an attempt to gather allies. Of course, in doing so, he hastened the onset and perhaps the intensity of the attack, but fights his opponents with a stronger hand.

This is why most of the innovation comes from the US and not from Europe. They are ossifying in even more regulatory overreach than we are. I’m sorry to see us following their bad precedent.

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