This weekend’s Common Sense column over at is about those awful Nixonian reactionaries who use government to suppress opposition and help establish fascist right-wing government here in America.
Oops. No, it isn’t. It’s about those awful Obamanian “progressives” using government to suppress opposition and help establish etc. etc.
Click on over to Townhall for the scoop. Come back here for a few extra scoops.
- BREAKING NEWS: Politico reports “IRS knew Tea Party targeted in 2011″
- Transcript of Lois Lerner’s Remarks at Tax Meeting Sparking IRS Controversy
- CBS: IRS apologizes for targeting tea party organization
- New York Times: I.R.S. Apologizes to Tea Party Groups Over Audits of Applications for Tax Exemption
- New York Times: Scrutiny of Political Nonprofits Sets Off Claim of Harassment
- The Blaze: IRS Admits To Targeting Conservative Groups During 2012 Election, Apologizes
- NPR: IRS Apologizes For Singling Out Conservative Groups
1 reply on “Townhall: ‘Inappropriate’ Rights Violations in Obama’s ‘Democracy’”
Golly gee — Ohio was a “SWING” state that Obama campaign stated was a “MUST WIN”.
What better way, other than fair in square, is there to “MUST WIN” then to silence the hardcore opposition?
Real question- How far up does this go? My suspicion is it goes all the way to the oval office.