Search Results for: Obamacare

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Attacking Wage Employment

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: January 23, 2013

I don’t know what the optimum ratio of employees to independent contractors would be. No one does. But we can be pretty certain that the current skewing of the economy towards less wage employment and more independent contracting by Obamacare is not a good thing. You see, “one consequence” of…

The Ratchet Still Holds

Relevance: 56%      Posted on: January 20, 2011

Government grows by a ratchet effect. When Democrats gained unified control over Congress and the Executive Branch in 2009 they understandably moved to increase the size and scope of government, rather than, say, swiftly follow through with President Obama’s various promises to withdraw from foreign interventions. Adding new stuff? More…

Free Money

Relevance: 55%      Posted on: April 16, 2014

If an email popped up offering free money, what would you do? Delete it? And wonder how it got past your spam filter? Me, too. Well, some Washington wags — call them re-distribution professionals — say we’re crazy. As are Republicans in the 19 states that have refused to expand…

Camp, Kitsch, Goofy Pitch

Relevance: 54%      Posted on: December 20, 2013

The pitches aired in service of Obamacare have descended from the twee and lightly vulgar to worse than disastrously kitschy and outrageously camp. The latest example is not the pajama boy icon for Obamacare, a young man wearing a onesie and demonstrating all the manliness of Peter Pan. Of that,…

The Solon of Smear

Relevance: 54%      Posted on: August 2, 2012

If political dishonesty were an Olympic sport, Missouri State Rep. Scott Largent would qualify for the medal round. In a campaign mailer sent to voters in Missouri’s 31st state senate district just ahead of the August 7th GOP primary, Largent’s campaign attacks opponent Ed Emery for “Standing With Barack Obama…

Townhall: Will the UN Permit Obamacare’s Repeal?

Relevance: 54%      Posted on: April 30, 2017

Oh, what will we do? The socialists in the United Nations do not approve of an American policy proposal... Click on over to Townhall. Then come back here for more info: YouTube: EF Hutton Commercial Washington Post: “Apparently repealing Obamacare could violate international law” by Dana Milbank Washington Post: Letter…

Relevance: 54%      Posted on: November 12, 2013

Government incompetence is no mystery. It’s very similar to government competence: throw enough money at a problem and something will happen. It may not be what you want, or what you expected, but something will indeed happen. The ObamaCare rollout is a grand example of governmental hubris and incompetence, as…

Preparing for a Bailout

Relevance: 53%      Posted on: May 20, 2014

In his 2012 State of the Union speech, President Obama declared, “It’s time to apply the same rules from top to bottom: No bailouts, no handouts and no cop-outs.” Yes. He said that. But in reality, the handouts and cop-outs have kept on coming, like the solar wind. A Washington…

Affordable [sic] Healthcare [sick]

Relevance: 53%      Posted on: October 21, 2013

The Pelosi-Obama Affordable Care Act was passed as a pig-in-a-poke. Now with that poke open, with the pig fully emergent as of next year, what do we know about “Obamacare”? It’s not socialized medicine, but it is heavily regulated- and subsidized-medicine, almost designed not to work. Its inevitable failures will…

The Real Whopper

Relevance: 53%      Posted on: June 18, 2012

“Today, government at all levels consumes 37 percent of the total economy, or GDP,” Mitt Romney said earlier this month. “If Obamacare is allowed to stand, government will reach half of the American economy.” Glenn Kessler’s Fact Checker column at the Washington Post slapped that statement with four “Pinocchios,” the…

The $820 Billion Oops

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: March 14, 2012

Getting good estimates is not easy. Anyone who’s hired a contractor knows to make sure the estimates are sound by insisting that bidders stick to their estimates. This is not what happens in government, though. Projects almost always start out with a whopping figure for an estimate . . .…

According to Logic

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: July 20, 2017

“Polling on every possible option confounds all logic,” or so writes Tiana Lowe about ObamaCare and its repeal, at National Review. “Americans overwhelmingly dislike the individual mandate and prioritize lowering the cost of health care over all other health problems in the country,” Ms. Lowe elaborates, “but a majority of…

Freedom First Aid Kit

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: April 9, 2010

After a year-long battle, congressional Democrats have rammed through Obamacare, a massive expansion of government control over the health care industry and a massive assault on the liberties of every doctor, patient, insurance agent, and taxpayer in the country. But the issue is far from settled. So, let’s use this…

The Worst Is the Enemy of the Cure

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: July 17, 2017

You’ve heard the adage: “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” This can be true in politics, where opposing an ameliorating reform because it is not ideal means, sometimes, getting stuck with unmitigated policy disasters. But there’s a corollary: in politics the worst is likely to emerge . .…

Bailed. Out!

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: April 30, 2016

On Wednesday, UnitedHealthcare Group Incorporated (UNH) announced that it will drop coverage of plans under Obamacare in all but a few states by 2017. The stock market signaled a thumb’s up immediately after the announcement: UNH stock prices went up over 2 percent. The company, described in the news, somewhat vaguely, as…

Listening to the Voters

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: February 4, 2010

After Scott Brown captured the U.S. Senate seat Ted Kennedy had occupied for decades, we heard two different views of the event. One said the surprise victory of an obscure state senator over the anointed Democrat in such a Democrat-leaning state had much to do with growing antagonism to runaway…

Forced to Innovate

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: August 7, 2013

Not everything new is wonderful. When a company improves its operations, it seeks to do so in a way that decreases costs or produces features customers want enough to pay for. It works to ensure that the benefits of adopting new procedures outweigh the costs. At least, this is what…

Idaho’s Healthy “No”

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: March 23, 2010

By hook and by crook — ignoring the constitution and twisting parliamentary rules — the president and his congressional allies are succeeding in imposing command-and-control health care on all Americans. If the new law is allowed to stand, the scraps of freedom we still enjoy in matters of health care…

Supreme Oxymorons

Relevance: 50%      Posted on: June 28, 2012

With the Supreme Court’s decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has achieved its first milestone: The repudiation of logic, the Orwellian assertion that A both is and is not A. The reform package, popularly known as Obamacare, requires that individuals…

Fine-Tuning the Shackles

Relevance: 49%      Posted on: March 3, 2011

Loathe handcuffs and leg irons? No problem. We’ll adjust the restraints slightly. Shave a gram off the weight. Paint them a new color. And throw away the key. Feel liberated? Nobody in a chain gang would be fooled. But the Obama Administration expects phony “concessions” in the implementation of last…

The Realpolitik of Illusion

Relevance: 48%      Posted on: July 13, 2012

It’s a race against time. Obamacare is going into effect, piece by piece, link by link, yard by yard. The idea when legislating big programs such as this is to push up as many benefits as possible early in the timeline, and shove the burdens as far down the road…

To Dream the “Impossible” Repeal

Relevance: 48%      Posted on: September 25, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz’s non-filibuster filibuster, monopolizing the Senate floor for the ninth hour as I type these words, is easy to characterize — if you are Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert. Easy to make fun of, especially when the senator read Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham as a bedtime…

How to Surrender Freedom

Relevance: 48%      Posted on: February 25, 2013

When in the fight for liberty should one give up? Never. Contrary to deterministic notions of social change, there’s nothing inevitable or permanent about any loss of our freedom. What then should we make of the words of Daily Debate scrivener Robert Tracinski? Noting criticism of Florida Governor Rick Scott…

The Real ObamaCare Opposition

Relevance: 47%      Posted on: June 23, 2017

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) has introduced a bill to compromise between the House’s recent Affordable Health Care Act and the current “ObamaCare” Affordable Care Act. Though there seems to be some “what the heck, go with it” enthusiasm for it on Capitol Hill, it’s not coming from Senators…

Stupid Is As Stupid Says

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: December 16, 2014

Lying liars lie even about incidental lapses into truth. In a double insult, economics professor and political hack Jonathan Gruber has now apologized—not to us, to Congress—for boasting about how clever was the opaque legislative process used to dupe us “stupid” voters about the true nature of Obamacare. Gruber has…

716 Billion Lies

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: September 11, 2012

As the campaign for the presidency heats up, we’re going to hear the words “taxes” and “deficit” and “spending” repeated ad nauseam. And this number: $716,000,000,000. That’s the amount of future Medicare spending that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress (exclusively, without a single Republican vote) cut, slashed, ripped,…

Startling Subsidy Success

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: February 11, 2014

“Moving on from unfulfilling jobs, thanks to health-care law,” was the gleeful headline* on the story spoon-fed to The Washington Post by Families USA, a pro-Obamacare group that maintains a “database of people who have benefitted” from the law (a pretty easy gig, no doubt). Polly Lower quit her job…

An Olympian of Chicanery

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: August 6, 2012

If political dishonesty were an Olympic sport, Missouri State Rep. Scott Largent would qualify for the medal round. Rep. Largent has served two terms in the state’s lower house, representing the 120th District. Now he’s running as a “consistent conservative” in a three-way race in the newly redistricted Senate District…

The Freedom Cure

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: November 21, 2013

To solve our problems, we need the freedom — to plan, to create, to market and profit. We need the freedom to use the capital we gain by solving problems — whether the capital comes in the form of money, knowledge, or reputation — to solve other problems. That’s as…

Stupid Before Congress

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: December 10, 2014

MIT economist Jonathan Gruber has had a big influence on American life, much of it “behind the scenes.” He helped put together RomneyCare in Massachusetts, then Obamacare at the federal level. And he made a curious case for abortion that was picked up by Steven Levitt and made famous in…


Relevance: 44%      Posted on: March 16, 2017

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan insists that his “TrumpCare” plan to replace ObamaCare will decrease medical insurance rates. Others argue that his American Health Care Act will increase those rates. Likewise, he expects it to reduce strain on federal budgets; others deny this outright. The “coverage” issue is just…

Reform Follows Function

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: June 25, 2012

Waiting for this week’s Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, which most folks expect to strike down the mandate and perhaps the entire law, George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley argues in the Washington Post that the court should be expanded from nine justices to 19. FDR, no doubt sitting…

Into Each Life, a Little Romney Falls

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: March 7, 2012

Some things I just “don’t get.” How can either pro-lifers or Obamacare opponents trust Mitt Romney? Sure, he says he’s pro-life and he pledges to repeal the Democrats’ health care reform package. But for years he said he was for abortion rights; he switched in what’s been called a “flip-flop-flip”…

Sebelius Crosses the Rubicon

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: May 21, 2013

Senator Lamar Alexander compares the latest Obama administration scandal to Iran-Contra . . . he says it’s “even bigger.” One hates to continually harp on the president and his scandals, but he and his big government keep producing them. So here we go again! Obamacare was supposed to save money.…

Is Pregnancy a Lifestyle Disease?

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: November 27, 2012

Two stories courtesy of Reason’s Hit and Run startled me into thinking about the strange issues that come up when you put government in charge. Peter Suderman covered another Supreme Court review of Obamacare, featuring Liberty University’s claim that Congress overstepped its authority in mandating employer coverage of specific insurance…

The Visible Hand Drops the Ball

Relevance: 42%      Posted on: January 14, 2014

One of the great things about the Obamacare fiasco is that we get to revisit many of the left’s talking points for the last half-century and more — and hand the points right back, underlined. How many times have we heard about market failure? A relentless litany. Today’s topic? Government…

Doctoring, Priced

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: May 29, 2013

Any number of economists will tell you that medicine just has to be different from other goods and services provided on the market. They will offer elaborate theories to explain, for instance, why competitive markets won’t work for health care, and why more government is necessary, and why, in fact,…

Townhall: Kasich — Governor, Pope or Schizo?

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: December 13, 2015

On Saturday, we regaled you with the video clip of Gov. John Kasich, more than straddling the proverbial fence, indeed . . . jumping around it like a rodeo clown — or perhaps someone in a tad less control. Today, at, we aim to edify . . . with an analysis…

Socialism by the Dose

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: June 6, 2012

In 1947, at the first meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, the free-market conference in Switzerland, august Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises harrumphed that young Milton Friedman and many other budding anti-socialists of those dark days of mid-century Western culture were, in reality, “all a bunch of socialists.” Mises stormed…

Scandal Not Going Away

Relevance: 41%      Posted on: November 22, 2013

We’re past Day 195 of the IRS scandal. I mean the one about how IRS agents processing applications for tax-exempt status gave an especially hard time to Tea Party and similar groups, asking endless intrusive questions and delaying legitimate tax-exempt status for years or never granting it at all. The…

Manly Firmness

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: February 18, 2015

“Is repealing the Affordable Care Act an issue of manhood?” asks Alan Rappeport in the New York Times. He’s referring to the “macho language” in a resolution introduced recently in Jefferson City, Missouri, by State Rep. Mike Moon. Moon’s House Resolution 99 decimates the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, in…

Townhall: Arrogant Pols, Go Home!

Relevance: 40%      Posted on: April 16, 2017

Politicians! A few years in office are enough. Arrogance needs nipping in the bud. Click on over to Townhall. Come back for the complete context. YouTube: “Okie from Muskogee” by Merle Haggard Deseret News: “Sen. Hatch's re-election bid proves the need for term limits” TPM: Hatch: “Sorry, Romney, Trump Is…


Relevance: 39%      Posted on: April 27, 2017

Like E.F. Hutton, when the United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights “Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health” talks, people listen. In disbelief, perhaps. Or amusement. But they listen. Well, at least Washington…

The Latest Legislative Land Mine

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: January 2, 2013

The most prescient thing ever said about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare, was articulated by then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” The medical reform package is quite the hodgepodge.…

The Unsurprising “Success” of Subsidy

Relevance: 39%      Posted on: February 19, 2014

“Moving on from unfulfilling jobs, thanks to health-care law,” was the gleeful headline across the story spoon-fed to the Washington Post by Families USA, a pro-Obamacare group that maintains a “database of people who have benefitted” from the so-called Affordable Care Act. No doubt, that’s a pretty easy list to…

The End—er, ACA—Is Near

Relevance: 38%      Posted on: October 29, 2013

First, NBC’s Nightly News anchor Brian Williams reported that the “website for the president’s new health care law is back up tonight after yet another technical problem over the weekend that prevented people from signing up for health insurance . . . yet again.” Then he went on, bemoaning, “For…

Obama Can’t Avoid Fabled Ovoid Crack-up

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: November 20, 2013

Mr. Humpty Dumpty provided the lesson. Not a novel lesson, I grant you. All the great sages gave similar warnings: “Don’t bite off more than you can chew”; “Look before you leap”; “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” So, I repeat, not novel. Call it oval, in honor…

Townhall: Nonsense, Precedented and Petrified

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: April 8, 2012

Did you catch my column this weekend? It's called "Nonsense, Precedented and Petrified," and it takes on a common mistake, this time made by one of the better columnists out there. Here are links in my column worth checking up on: Obama and the Mother of All Tyrannies(David Harsanyi in…

The Supreme Oxymorons

Relevance: 35%      Posted on: July 4, 2012

With the Supreme Court’s decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, Obamacare has achieved its first milestone: The repudiation of logic, the Orwellian assertion that A both is and is not A. The massive healthcare package, officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, requires that individuals buy medical insurance. The law imposes…

Ghost of an Argument

Relevance: 34%      Posted on: October 27, 2020

On the 73rd anniversary of the birth of Hillary Clinton, the United States Senate confirmed Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Mrs. Clinton, the former Democratic presidential candidate, looms in the background of the issue as a sort of éminence grise, a specter of the politics of the left.…