Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Against Terrorism

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: April 17, 2013

It’s the business of reporters to report on events like the Boston bombings, and the business of commentators to explain them. But since we don’t have enough evidence, yet, about who did what, all commentators can do is speculate . . . And that’s not very illuminating. Anyone can speculate.…

Strikes and Rumors of Strikes

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: October 5, 2012

The tale of how Chicago’s teachers union beat the Chicago School District, and got their way, is inspiring . . . if you belong to a union, if you don’t care about costs, if you don’t want to improve the quality of education. And if you define “inspirational” as inspiring…

Twitter Gulag?

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: June 22, 2020

An old Soviet-phrase — “ne chital, no osuzhdayu” (“didn’t read, but disapprove”) — seems as apt now as ever. Why? Because Americans today have revived the “Soviet mentality,” according to Izabella Tabarovsky, writing at Tablet.  Ms. Tabarovsky, a researcher with the Kennan Institute at the Wilson Center, explains that “[c]ollective…

Insiders Strike Back

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: February 5, 2019

It costs time, not money. Ron Calzone and others read and consider legislation on their own dime. Calzone’s all-volunteer Missouri First group, which analyzes legislation filed in Jefferson City from a constitutional, pro-liberty perspective, doesn’t even have a bank account. A small businessman outside of Rolla, Calzone devotes a great…

Townhall: It’s not about drones

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: March 10, 2013

The key issue of last week's great Rand Paul filibuster was not drone technology, as such, but whether those who run the government will accept the rules of the Constitution. That's the message from Yours Truly this week on Townhall. Read the column, then come back here for some more…

Advance for Rights

Relevance: 20%      Posted on: June 30, 2010

Next to the Bill of Rights, the Fourteenth Amendment might well be the most momentous Amendment to the Constitution. Here’s the most interesting chunk of it: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any…

Ballot Trickery

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: April 12, 2012

When California voters read Proposition 28’s ballot title, they overwhelmingly support the June 5th measure. That support radically dwindles when they learn more. The Public Policy Institute of California released a poll showing 68 percent in favor and only 24 percent opposed. Surveyed Californians were responding to the official ballot…

Townhall: Staged Security

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: June 7, 2015

Expanding on thoughts from Friday, this weekend's Common Sense entry at is more grist for the true security mill, and the case for doing away with the TSA. Click on over; then come back here for links for further facts and opinion. ABC News: Undercover DHS Tests Find Widespread Security…

Do-​Gooders Do Bad

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: August 30, 2012

“Democracy should be for everyone,” says Michelle Romero of the Greenlining Institute. That sounds right. She also argues that “California speaks 200 languages, but our initiative petitions speak only one. We can bring millions of voters fully into our democratic process, and it will only cost about a penny per…

Darn Right, Guys

Relevance: 19%      Posted on: November 6, 2009

Initiative rights are under nonstop assault from the political class. Fortunately, most voters know the value of being able to end-run or reverse the bad decisions of lawmakers. And just a few clear-thinking defenders of initiative rights are enough to expose the murky evasions of the politicians and their pals.…