Search Results for: Eyman

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A Fraudulent Anti-​Fraud Bill

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: March 4, 2011

The theory behind Washington State’s Senate Bill 5297 — now worming its way through Olympia — seems to be that the people can’t be trusted to legislate, so the more hurdles thrown up at the initiative process, the better. But the bill itself shows just the opposite, revealing its legislative supporters…

Terms for Taxes

Relevance: 52%      Posted on: June 26, 2019

Years ago, I dubbed Tim Eyman “America’s #1 freedom fighter,” and how does he repay me? Washington State’s anti-tax crusading initiative guru has gone and stolen my bread-and-butter issue, term limits . . . and married it up with another one of his tax initiatives.  He’s calling Initiative 1648: Term…

Extraordinarily Unusual

Relevance: 51%      Posted on: December 13, 2019

“It’s a government-on-government fight,” reports Seattle-based KOMO News, as the Pierce County Council voted 4-3 to provide assistance in defending Initiative 976 in court. The ballot measure, which limits car license fees among other provisions, passed 53 to 47 percent statewide last month, including a whopping 66 percent affirmative vote…

Revolt of the Desk Jockeys

Relevance: 47%      Posted on: October 23, 2019

Our Constitution guarantees that each state of the union provide a republican form of government. Does that mean that all that is prohibited is . . . monarchy? No.  One very common form of modern governance is deeply anti-republican, requiring — at the very least — strict regulation to prevent…

Two Initiatives, With Initiative

Relevance: 46%      Posted on: July 15, 2011

Josh Sutinen is 17. He can’t vote yet. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t having an effect on the politics of his hometown of Longview, Washington. After his father’s second valiant if unsuccessful attempt to get into the Evergreen State’s House of Representatives, Josh became fascinated with political change. Conveniently,…

The Lion of Woodinville

Relevance: 45%      Posted on: April 4, 2014

Mike Dunmire passed away last weekend. Mike helped me form the Liberty Initiative Fund, serving as an original board member. But he was best known as a key funder of Tim Eyman’s Washington State ballot initiatives. Indeed, Eyman’s incredible success at the ballot box — I once called him “America’s…

Advice & Conceit

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: February 7, 2019

The core idea behind the institutions of representative government — state legislatures, city councils, Congress — is that lawmakers, sometimes called “representatives,” endeavor to implement “the will of the people.” To do so . . . necessarily entails knowing the public’s preferences. Hmmm. How to find out what people want?…

The Initiative Initiative

Relevance: 44%      Posted on: January 3, 2013

This morning I’ll stand in Washington State’s capitol in Olympia to turn in more than 340,000 voter signatures on petitions — enough to place Initiative 517 on the ballot next November. I’ll be there representing Citizens in Charge, the major funder of the initiative, joined by Eddie Agazarm, former head…

Principle and Compromise

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: April 23, 2018

Last Friday, Tim Eyman — the Evergreen State’s best-known ballot initiative practitioner — won an important court case. But he also scuttled an amazingly impressive compromise between state legislators, police, and the proponents of Initiative 940. The measure was written and promoted by De-Escalate Washington, a group that includes several…

My Favorite Control Group

Relevance: 43%      Posted on: November 14, 2019

Tim Eyman strikes again.  In deep blue Washington State, the ballot measure activist celebrated another Election Day victory last week with Initiative 976, limiting vehicle taxes. Not to mention Referendum 88, whereby voters kept a ban on government use of racial preferences, enacted via an initiative Eyman had co-authored two…