Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Time for Action

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: October 10, 2017

More protests during the national anthem; more opposition to those protests by the Trump administration; more recriminations about the administration’s opposition to the protests. Ah, modern times. Let’s review: NFL players have a constitutional right to take a knee during the national anthem. NFL owners do have or could have…

The Mobs Attacked and Defended

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: July 24, 2020

It’s “mobocracy” — the riots in major cities around the nation, but especially in Portland, Oregon, where the president sent federal agents. Local police had stood back for weeks as Democratic politicians — such as Joe Biden — referred to the rioters as “peaceful protesters.” Even as the mobs lit…

Spoiler Season

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: October 31, 2018

“Libertarians poll high enough to tip key races,” informs The Washington Times — citing contests for governorships and both houses of Congress.* Libertarian Lucy Brenton is one example, running for U.S. Senate in Indiana. She grabbed 7 percent in a recent poll, greater than the margin between incumbent Democratic Sen.…

Resisting Registration

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: January 8, 2019

Jon Caldara won’t register his guns. He also won’t remain silent about his refusal. He has lots of company in Boulder, Colorado, with respect to the former, if not the latter, form of resistance — his unwillingness to compromise his right to bear arms. The town recently began requiring owners…

Needless List?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: February 19, 2016

Are Republican presidential candidates getting the NFL draft and the military draft confused? Get drafted by the NFL and you’re a millionaire. Participation is voluntary. Get “chosen” by the Selective Service System for the military draft and you could wind up in combat. Participation is involuntary. Last Sunday at Townhall,…

Crackdowns For Lockdowns

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: August 6, 2021

Politicians and bureaucrats like some protests, fear others.  You can tell a lot about a protest movement and its actual agenda by how a government reacts. You can tell a lot about a government by how it instructs police to respond to different protests. So we should probably take a…

The Court v. The People

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: July 2, 2013

This is the season for major Supreme Court decisions, and a fine time to rethink the union’s constitution — and the document, too, which we capitalize: The Constitution of the United States of America. Now is especially propitious, in that recent decisions by the Robed Nine are solidifying a social…

The Dog-​Ate List

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: June 19, 2014

It’s hard to keep track of things. It helps to make a list. I’m trying to follow all the IRS-scandal stonewalling, the latest example of which is how emails inculpating Lois Lerner and others have mysteriously disappeared; with, allegedly, no server backups (see my latest Townhall column, “The Dog Ate…

Slaves All?

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: August 28, 2019

A bizarre argument is gaining popularity: the United States of America not merely allowed slavery in its first hundred years, it depended upon it, grew rich by it . . .  and, “therefore,” not only the federal government but also its constitutional principles and even capitalism are all tainted .…

Hearts United

Relevance: 13%      Posted on: August 27, 2020

“They shot my son seven times — seven times — like he didn’t matter,” explained a choked-up Jacob Blake, Sr., at a news conference after his son was shot and paralyzed by Kenosha police. “But my son matters. He’s a human being and he matters.” On Sunday, Kenosha police were…