Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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Choosing Liberty

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: February 22, 2012

At 5:00 pm today, I’ll close my office door and take a few minutes to quietly reflect upon heroism, honor, courage and fealty to truth. I’ll grieve for those who’ve suffered the sometimes tragic consequences of correctly answering Patrick Henry’s historic question: “Is life so dear or peace so sweet…

Running from “Riot”

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: October 5, 2020

Whenever it got started — ancient Sumer, maybe — doublespeak is linguistic legerdemain, a sad sign of modern times. Consider the Associated Press’s recent pronouncement about the word “riot.” Use the meeker word “unrest,” the stylebook editors suggest. “Unrest is a vaguer, milder and less emotional term for a condition…

When Parasites Collide

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: September 1, 2016

There are times I wish I were a tax accountant. You know, just so I could better understand the news. The European Commission has handed Apple, Inc., a $14.5 billion tax bill. Owed to Ireland. Apple, the tax commissioners said, had paid too little in taxes to Ireland, amounting to…

Campus Freedom in Peril

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: March 6, 2017

What is the percentage of tenured faculty on American campuses who are still unambiguously on the side of free intellectual exchange? What is the percentage of them who are willing to express that position openly? Sociologist Charles Murray asked those questions near the end of his reflections on Thursday’s Middlebury…

Not Witches

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: December 3, 2014

We all know about the Salem Witch Trials.  But much more recently another, not-dissimilar-enough anti-witch craze plagued us. Remember “recovered memories”? Mass child sex abuse? Satanic rites? Most of it was nonsense. Frances and Daniel Kellar operated a day care business, and found themselves on the wrong end of this…

From Cairo to Bismarck

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: September 20, 2012

What do recent events in Egypt and in North Dakota have in common? Maybe very little, except a brazen tendency to evade reality. The assaults on American embassies in Cairo, Egypt, and Benghazi, Libya, killing four Americans (and largely unreported, eight Libyans, too) including the U.S. ambassador, occurred on the…

The Wrong Kind of Speech

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: January 6, 2023

In 2019, California imposed a law to force many independent contractors to become standard employees if they wanted to keep working for erstwhile clients. AB5 threw many gig workers out of work. Many lost all of their clients, who typically could not afford to simply convert contractors from whom they…

Ron Paul vs. Fauci, YouTube vs. You

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: December 30, 2020

It’s new news but also, unfortunately, old news. Tech-giant providers of forums for public discussion keep banning discussion of the issues of the day. The latest victim: Ron Paul, medical doctor, former congressman and presidential candidate, father of U.S. Senator Rand Paul. Alphabet/Google/YouTube has pulled a video from Dr. Paul’s…

Townhall: Don’t Interrupt the Democrats

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: February 17, 2019

At Townhall, Paul Jacob cuts Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enough slack for the Democrats to hang themselves. Green New Deal FAQ, NPR“House Resolution,” House.govHannity on AOC, Fox NewsAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal: A Bizarre Grab-Bag of Terrible Ideas, Reason TVOcasio-Cortez retracts erroneous information about Green New Deal backed by 2020 Democratic candidates, Washington Post(February…

Resistance Still Possible

Relevance: 16%      Posted on: July 9, 2012

According to a majority on the Supreme Court, Obamacare’s penalty for not buying medical insurance is constitutional because it’s a “tax,” not a “penalty.” Hmmm. All taxes may penalize, and penalties sure can be “taxing,” but this similarity doesn’t give us license to swap one for the other. Chief Justice…