Search Results for: "Institute for Justice"

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A Federalist Impeached

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: November 30, 2023

On November 30, 1804, the United States House of Representatives began impeachment hearings against Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase. The House thought he was too partisan, too “Federalist.” The Senate later acquitted Chase. On 1835 on this date, Samuel Clemens was born, later to achieve world fame as author and…

Miseducated and Unemployed

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: August 4, 2016

The persistence of the issue of raising the minimum wage is an indictment of public education, for at least two reasons: It shows that “our” schools are not teaching basic economics. Generally, those who think minimum wages help the poor do not understand what wages are (price of labor), why…

Something to Hate

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: November 4, 2020

Headline: “Hate talk in homes ‘must be prosecuted.’” “Must”? The proposed legislation targets speech alleged to promote prejudice. It is backed by Scotland’s secretary for justice, Humza Yousaf. Might the law be deployed to squelch debate regarding, say, radical Islam? “Are we comfortable giving a defence to somebody whose behaviour…

Not Just a Border-​Line Case

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: July 11, 2023

Should the U.S. Government let soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) enter these United States through the southern border so that they’re in place if and when the Chinese government directs them to undertake sabotage against the United States (perhaps during a Chinese invasion of Taiwan)? We are not…

Is Denmark Socialist?

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: January 14, 2017

First... some definitions: Socialism advocates the public ownership (or control) of business and industry in service of a more equal distribution of wealth. Bernie Sanders and his version of "democratic socialism" places emphasis on redistribution and downplays the public ownership and control part of the system. However... Bernie seems never to have met a government monopoly he didn't…

Agreeing with a Communist

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: April 3, 2012

There’s not much I have in common with Van Jones, the Yale-educated lawyer, community organizer, former advisor to President Barack Obama, author of a new book, Rebuilding the Dream, and self-proclaimed communist. But that doesn’t make him wrong on everything. Yesterday, as I was fixing lunch and experimenting with political…

Amazing Vanished Rights

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: June 30, 2021

Suppose you have the right to walk across a room. Yet you’re legally chained to a chair.  By your rights, you may get up and walk across the room. But you can’t, because of the chains. You could if only you could. Why, there’s even a document specifying your right…

Letting DEI Die

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: May 20, 2024

Paul Jacob on MIT’s ambiguous retreat from trendy racist and sexist practices.

Lawyered Up

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: April 22, 2014

“The first thing we do,” declaims Dick the butcher, “let’s kill all the lawyers.” Last night, as I dined with attorneys David Langdon and Joshua Bolinger, in town representing the Susan B. Anthony List and the Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes before the U.S. Supreme Court today, echoes…

Townhall: The Scandal That Must Not Be Named

Relevance: 17%      Posted on: December 24, 2017

We have the names of the bureaucrats responsible. But the scandal? Don't call it that! (Says the insider press.) Click over to Townhall for the precise words to describe this sad recent history. If you return here you can read more on the subject: Washington Post: Fallout from allegations of…